Joshua 4:15-24
Key Passage: “For the LORD your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed over, as the LORD your God did at the Red Sea, which he dried up before us until we had crossed over, that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty, that you may fear the LORD your God forever” (verses 23, 24).
The Red Sea and River Jordan were two major obstacles Israel crossed on their way to Canaan. Their ability to cross these hurdles became a major milestone repeatedly mentioned in the Scriptures. Our key text for today reminds us that their ability to cross these obstacles was due to the mighty hand of God.
What does the Red Sea and River Jordan stand for? They represent obstacles, opposition, and trials. They represent the impossible situations of life you want God to turn around. We all have our Red Sea and River Jordan to cross. By the power of the mighty hand of God, you will cross over the obstacles before you today.
What do you think were the challenges the children of Israel faced when they stood before the Red Sea or before River Jordan? They were afraid, they thought they would drown. They had no swimming jackets, and probably they could not swim. Crossing over looked impossible to them. Again, they were afraid of the army of the Egyptians who were pursuing them. With the Egyptian chariots behind, they could not imagine how they would cross the Red Sea. Then God said to them “move forward.” Once they moved forward in faith, the Red Sea gave way. Many of us are at this point in life, wondering how we would cross the seemingly impossible hurdles of life. Some of us need to cross from where we are now to where God wants us to be in life. You need to cross over to the place of your destiny. Some are standing or sitting in the wrong places of life and wondering what to do. You need to cross over from one point to another.
You need to cross from defeat to victory; from fear to liberty and freedom; from pessimism to optimism; from poverty to prosperity; from adversity to the rest of God; from self-pity to self-esteem; from self-defeat to success; from the valley of depression to joy and hope; from anxiety and worry to confidence; from powerlessness to the place of power; from a life of doubt and negativism to faith and conviction; from a life of lack of enthusiasm to boldness and courage; from sickness to good health.