The Life Impact Center (LIC) Ministries was ablaze on Sunday 1st February, 2015 when one of its elders Shawn Lake was Ordained Pastor in the said church.
Shawn who is said to have joined the LIC some twenty (20) years ago when it was Christian Assembly Ministry was lauded by all who spoke about him. He was praised for his enthusiasm, zeal and energy displayed during the years of service. Shawn is said to have served on every committee in the church except the Women Ministry.
Pastor MacDonna in conducting the Ordination Service commended Shawn and indicated that Shawn has displayed the leadership skills and commitment to God and man that has caused him to be competent that he will make a good Pastor. He also thanked him for his dedication to service within the church.
The Ordination process was complete with breaking of break and the drinking of wine as well at the washing of Pastor Shawn’s feet by Pastor MacDonna.
Shawn responded by bellowing out the song, Midnight Cry before thanking all who came to support him and assured them of his unwavering commitment to God and his church.
The RAPF joins in congratulating Officer Shawn on his elevation to Pastor.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)