A step in the right direction has been made. That is, getting persons trained in various media so that there can be a steady supply of locally made art for the proposed ‘Made in Anguilla Art Centre’. This is an initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Tourism as part of the implementation programme recommended by the ‘Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2010 – 2020.’
Mr Adam Azaire was chosen to be the trainer because of his expertise in the various art mediums. He is no stranger to Anguilla having been engaged with different agencies on previous occasions. For this project he has been training participants in the areas of Glass and Calabash Art for a period of three weeks, 9 – 27 February. This training was made possible by the Governor’s Office.
Some participants have already been involved in art work while others have an interest in art. What impressed them was the fact that the material used to produce the art work was what would be considered scrap, like empty bottles, old window louvers, cut off pieces of glass or something of no current value like the calabash. With the advent of calabash art, some participants now have a renewed zeal to protect the calabash trees found in Anguilla. Others are surprised by the artistic expression that has been drawn out of them. They can now see that their art can be of commercial value, with low start up costs as the material can be locally sourced. They plan to keep practicing so that they can maintain their skills, and eagerly anticipate future classes where their skills can be improved. As Mr Azaire says, “this is only scratching the surface.”
His desire, especially with regard to Glass Art, is that “Anguilla can be known as the fused glass haven.” He noted that glass as an art form is not popular throughout the Caribbean – and in Anguilla he hoped it would become marketed like ceramics and pottery.
To honour the theme ‘Made in Anguilla’, Mr Azaire is ensuring that the art produced is authentic to Anguilla – that it depicts the plant, animal, coastal and cultural life of Anguilla. Some of the art will be displayed this weekend, 28 February, at the Annual Flower and Garden Show on the grounds of Wallblake House in The Valley.