Project Summary
• About: The GEMS Training is an initiative of the Gender Affairs Unit, Ministry of Home Affairs. It is funded by the Governor’s Office as part of the 2014-2015 project budget. The GEMS project received just under $5,000 US dollars.
• Project Purpose: To “build public service capacity in practical gender awareness and mainstreaming techniques.” It is assisting in expanding the knowledge of the public service in GEMS; changing unconstructive attitudes toward gender equality in the workplace, increasing the skills base of gender analyses and developing useful habits in integrating gender perspectives into all aspects of public planning and policy making.
• Project Background: Public-service wide knowledge of gender issues in Anguilla is just developing. One of the mandates of the Gender Affairs Unit is to educate the public service on gender equality and efforts toward gender mainstreaming. This focus acknowledges that an understanding of gender integration is linked to the sustainability of the country in its pursuits toward excellence.
• The project began in November 2014 with the official “GEMS Launch” where Her Excellency, the Governor, Ms. Christina Scott spoke about the importance of Gender Equality. The Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs, Ms. Aurjul Wilson, spoke in the absence of Minister Jerome Roberts and encouraged participants to take full advantage of the initiatives stemming from the Gender Affairs Unit. Dr. Ronya Foy Connor, Gender Development Coordinator also spoke about the selection of Gender Focal Points for each government department and the public-service wide training of all government employees, beginning in 2015.
• The GEMS Training sessions for all government staffers are now taking place from 12 February – 27 February 2015 with 6 group sessions averaging 30 participants per session from various government departments.
• Government department staff that have participated in the training include, in no particular order, Internal Audit; Department of Fisheries; Department of Labour; DITES; Department of Probation; Treasury Department; Department of Lands and Surveys; Department of Education; Department of Social Development; Sports Department; Library Department; Department of Public Administration; Attorney General’s Chambers; Her Majesty’s Prison; Department of Immigration; Department of Health Protection; Department of Youth and Culture; Department of Disaster Management and Department of Environment.
• There are 4 modules being facilitated by knowledgeable members of the Anguillian community:
o Module 1 is “An Introduction to Gender, Human Rights and Violence.”
Facilitated by Detective Constable Shem Wills and Constable Bernadette Carbon of the Royal Anguilla Police Force. Detective Wills works in the Crime Intelligence Unit and is trained in the area of Instructional Development by International Policing Organisation (INTERPOL). Constable Carbon has acted as Sergeant of Police on several occasions and was on secondment to the Regional Police Training Center as an Instructor. Both officers served as facilitators for the RAPF Sexual and Gender-based Workshops held in November 2013.
o Module 2: is “Approaches, Strategies and Methods of Gender Mainstreaming”
Facilitated by Kay Ferguson, an inspired writer and social commentator. Her background is in training, employment and project management in private and public sector organizations in the Caribbean, Europe and North America. She has previously been instrumental in the Health Authority of Anguilla’s Accreditation Project and the Ministry of Tourism’s Heritage Project.
o Module 3 is “Concepts of a Departmental Gender Analysis”
Facilitated by Angelina Carty, a social worker by training with a Diploma in Social Work and Management from the University of North London, England. She has worked in various levels in the areas of Government, Mental Health Services, Criminal Justice and Education and has extensive experience in assisting families, individuals and vulnerable young adults throughout the UK, St. Lucia and Anguilla.
o Module 4 is “An Introduction to Gender-Responsive Budgeting”
Facilitated by Kenneth Hodge, Principal Assistant Secretary of Gender – Ministry of Home Affairs.
• Participants completed workshop evaluation forms and have already expressed their approval of the workshops. They express the need for more training in the area of gender affairs and gender equality in relation to their work lives and personal lives. Participants noted:
o “I was educated and feel that I’ve gained much knowledge and wisdom about gender issues.”
o “It was useful to differentiate the differences between gender and sex which is confused all the time.”
o “I have the foundation and now I’d like to know what plans are there for making policies to address gender issues in Anguilla.”
o “The facilitators were quite knowledgeable and engaging. The workshops were also lively and interesting. I learned quite a bit and would like to have follow-up sessions to discuss more about the module topics.”
o “It would be a good idea to inform as many persons as possible throughout the island about the subjects of gender in the home and the society. It is affecting us all.”