Another day, week, month and year are upon us, my friend. God has provided us with a brand new opportunity for a brand new start. Is that not awesome? What will you do with that great opportunity? Will you continue to settle where you are? Will you allow the discouragements of the past year to rob you of your hopes and dreams this New Year? I hope not my friend. A defeat is not the end of the road. You can get up and press on. It is a matter of choice. The choice is yours my friend. However, I challenge you this very moment to rethink about what you want to do with your life. You are more than just good enough. Get up! Dust yourself off! Pull up your stakes, get your belongings, enlarge your vision and start to move forward.
No matter what you have experienced in the past year, it is over. It is in the past. It is now history. Today is a brand new day. You can begin again. It is time to stretch your faith and pursue the excellence that God has placed in your heart. It is time to become the best you can be. God has a plan for your life which is bigger and better than you can ever imagine. Trust Him to reveal it to you as you move forward. Do not allow negative thinking to interfere with your faith. God can make a way when it looks as though there is none. He can open doors that no one can shut. He can cause you to be at the right place, at the right time. He can supernaturally turn your dreams into reality. That’s the kind of God we serve my friend.
Begin today to focus on your goal, set your course, have the attitude that says, “I am going to reach my full potential in God” and watch God work. He is an awesome God! Dare to step out of your comfort zone. God has a lot in store for you but you have to step out in faith. The challenge is to run after the ideal God has for you. Do not get discouraged. Take the powerful hand of the Lord and write a new page in your life’s story. You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. Therefore, you need to keep pursuing and keep believing that you will make it. Learn to look at life through your eyes of faith. Nothing absolutely is impossible or too hard for God to do. You must believe that.
Start today to allow God to use your imagination to build you up because your vision of who you are, and what you can become, has a tremendous impact on your life. Never allow what people say and do to define you. Remind yourself daily of the person God says you are. Take out the paintbrush of faith, hope and expectancy and begin painting a healthy, prosperous and bright future of the life you desire to realize on the canvas of your heart. Let every day, week, and month count this year for you. I wish to extend to every one of you a bright and prosperous 2015. Finally, let me share with you the following poem:
“A New Year, A New Beginning”
The old year ends, a new begins
With pages clean and new;
And what is written on each page
will now depend on you.
You can’t relive the year that’s past,
Erasing every wrong;
For once a year – or day – is spent,
It is forever gone.
But don’t give up in dark despair
If you have failed some test;
Seek God’s forgiveness and resolve
Henceforth to do your best.
Resolve each precious day to do
Things good and kind and pure;
Though days and years may pass away,
These things shall still endure.
You know not where your path may lead
Nor what’s beyond the hill;
But know that God walks at your side,
If you will do His will.
All things are possible with God,
Though days be bright or dim;
So do your best and know that you
Can leave the rest to Him.
– Author Unknown
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com.