I was especially proud to attend the launch of the latest music video of my nephew, Omari Banks, along with his group “Eleven” last weekend. The event was appropriately staged at “La Vue”, a property owned by another son of the soil of whom I am also proud, Mr. Kirk Hughes. This is not the first time Omari launched a music video, nor is it the first time homegrown Anguillian artistes have launched music videos – like his own father Bankie Banx. However, the inclusion of talent from neighboring St. Kitts in the person of “Infamous” and Jamaican Peetah Morgan from the famous family dynasty, Morgan Heritage, is a clear indication of the positive networking of talent throughout our region. This bodes well for the ongoing development of pillars of integration through music as through sports, particularly cricket.
What is unique about the Omari story is that it straddles both of these disciplines, he having “moved on” seamlessly from being a World Class cricketer to becoming an international musical artiste. And as I have witnessed his development I have noted one common thread, namely, his almost uncanny ability to be remain focused and put in the required effort to ensure success in every venture he undertakes. What I am further impressed with, is his humility and quiet confidence as he goes about promoting his craft. He is indeed a classy young man with a classy act.
The title of the music video: “No point to prove”, itself speaks of that acceptance of a philosophy of life that suggests that there is no room for boastfulness in pursuing one’s dreams and aspirations. There is a clear message in Omari’s presentation and approach for all of us, especially for the young people. It tells us that we must focus on our goals and not be deterred by any setbacks or challenges along the way. No time for excuses! No time for looking through the rear view mirror! No blaming others! Use our talents to overcome every obstacle that confronts us! I can go on … and on!
Ironically, as we approach the end of this AUM Government’s term of office it has occurred to me that, over the last five years, it seems that they have decided that they have to prove that their inability to get the job done is not their fault. And they have spent the last five years focusing on proving that point rather than getting the job done. Now, at the end of their term, they are running around like “headless chickens” trying to prove the point that they are doing something by a few rushed and empty MoU’s and public consultations on jet skis; “waste to energy” proposals; rebranding our tourism product; drag racing; passport services; and any other sensational issue they can conjure up. All this just to prove the point that they are working and deserve another five years to do more of the same.
But the facts on the ground continue to concern us. In all the discussions that are taking place why is it that it seems as if the last four and a half years have been completely wiped off the calendar — and that the history of Anguilla appears to have ended on February 16, 2010? It is as if we have passed through a “time warp” and will end up in 2015 talking about what happened in the last eighteen months of the Anguilla United Front’s term of office. Why is it that neither the AUM nor the DOVE Party are talking about the disastrous record of the AUM Government over the last four and a half years? What is the point they have to prove?
Let me therefore remind my readers of some of the things that you need consider for the period 2010 to 2015:-
• Remember the Chief Minister signed a document to commit our Social Security Funds to collateralize a loan for US$200 million from a questionable source in 2010.
• Remember the Government’s first official act was to appoint a new Social Security Board whose first initiative was to seek to remove the Board’s deposits from the indigenous banks.
• Remember the Minister of Utilities first official act (not following legal procedures) was to disband the ANGLEC board as a means of ensuring that his political agenda to reduce electricity prices could be realized.
• Remember that the Parliamentary Secretary Haydn Hughes and Minister Jerome Roberts renegotiated the MoU with Cap Juluca which made us worse off.
• Remember this Government increased the tax burden by over 100 percent in some cases and imposed an unfair and unjust Interim Stabilization Levy.
• Remember the Chief Minister overruled the objections of the Governor and used his influence to get approval to be paid $40,000 on a twelve year-old telephone bill.
• Remember this Government disrupted the functioning of the Tourist Board and to this date there have been six chairpersons in a four and a half year period.
• Remember the negative comments continually made by the Chief Minister, in the public media, destroying our investment climate.
• Remember the several protest marches made by this Government basically against itself.
• Remember the ongoing battles of the Chief Minister versus the Governor; the British Government; the public service; a member of his own government; investors and others.
• Remember the removal of the Water Production Plant at Crocus Bay relegating the entire population to the rationing of water.
• Remember the fiasco with our Overseas Tourism Representation and our ultimate hiring of two agents without any clear rules of authority and responsibility established.
• Remember the Chief Minister’s apparent facilitation of the takeover of the indigenous banks and his present lack of communication with shareholders and customers about the way forward.
• Remember the Chief Minister’s admission in EXCO that he has led Anguilla down the path of becoming a “failed state”.
• Remember the ongoing conflict within the Government itself as well as the events that have resulted in a three-man Cabinet.
• Remember the time and energy wasted over discussions, rants, and protests about Independence.
Of course these are but a few things that characterize the last four and a half years that the AUM administration would want us to forget. The overwhelming fact is that for the entire period this Government has not done anything to improve our plight. Anguillians still continue to be out of work; people cannot afford their electricity bills; people are unable to meet their commitments to the Bank; people are losing their homes; property; and businesses; children are hungry; and there seems to be no real hope in sight under this watch. Indeed, according to the late Hon. Robert Nesta Marley: “Half the story has never been told!” Many of us are too proud to complain.
I want to encourage my readers that they hold the string to release the good news — it is possible by ensuring that this Government does not return to office. It is time to restore peace, stability and prosperity. Our party, the Anguilla United Front, pledges to do so by growing hope; increasing opportunities; embracing the youth; and caring for all our people. It is not about us. It is all about you! At the end of the day we will be doing our job because that is what you elected us to do. Other than that according to Omari — we have absolutely no (other) point to prove. It’s on us!