Charlie Vanterpool is one of Anguilla’s most enterprising self-help young men, making ends meet in a variety of ways, and getting a good deal of satisfaction from what he is doing.
For him, farming is a big part of his attraction for traditional life and culture – and one of the things he likes engaging in is the cultivation of corn. Then, there is the commercial aspect – roasting and selling it – fetching some good financial returns.
Over the past several months, Charlie planted two fields of corn both in the Welches area where he resides. One patch was planted near his well-water source where he could easily irrigate the field; and the other patch was planted a few hundred yards away, beyond the reach of his irrigation system.
At first there was a long period of drought – but with the recent widespread and heavy rains, both cornfields prospered well, producing good yields, much to his delight.
Charlie is now harvesting his bounteous crop, and his roasted corn, under the tamarind tree, opposite the People’s Market, is a delight for passers-by.