Jacqueline Bryan-Niles
In July 1985 Mrs. Jacqueline Bryan-Niles commenced her employment at Cocoloba Hotel as a front office Secretary. While she was interested in furthering her education, this was not immediately pursued as funds were not available. However, with the encouragement and assistance of a close friend she obtained a CIDA scholarship. Within two weeks of the approach Jacqueline went off to the Antigua State College for two years. She graduated student of the year in the Commercial section. At the graduation ceremony it was impressed upon all students that this was just the beginning and as such having obtained a Diploma it increased her desire to pursue a degree programme.
Upon returning home, Mrs. Bryan-Niles worked with the Government of Anguilla for two years during which time she tried to save monies to assist her with attending the University of the Virgin Islands. As funds saved were insufficient additional funding was sourced from the Anguilla Development Board and with the encouragement of family and others she left for university in January 1991.
While at University she was employed on campus, took summer classes and pushed to take extra credits in order to complete her studies quickly. She worked hard, faced tough times and sacrificed. In addition to her major studies she took two minors. Jacqueline remembers her parents struggling to support them and told her mom not to send her any monies; whatever she had she would make it work. She worked to pay rent, buy food and essentials. Jackie worked tirelessly in the Computer Lab as a Lab Monitor, and because of the nature of the job she was able to complete her assignments whilst on duty. She also used study groups to assist with difficult subject areas. College life was often tough as she experienced many sleepless nights but lessons were learnt on how to survive. She was conscious of her purpose in being at University and wanted to “get in and get out”. She drank lots of cherry coke to stay awake in order to study. Her extra -curricular activities saw her being actively involved in volleyball, tennis, AXA Association, Phi Beta Gamma, and the Explorers Club. Jackie recalls buying used books in order to save her scarce financial resources. Jacqueline didn’t live lavishly, but spent her monies wisely and stayed focused, while remembering what her parents had taught her and her siblings, (to cut and contrive). She attributes her success to her family, parents, siblings and her husband in assisting her on different paths of her journey. The hard work and dedication paid off and she successfully completed her Degree in December 1994 and graduated Magna Cum Laude with the Class of 1995.
Upon completion of her studies, she immediately returned home and resumed employment with the Government of Anguilla for two years and on receipt of a Commonwealth Scholarship she successfully completed her Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. Jackie recounted that the programme was very intense, however she relied on lessons learnt at the University of the Virgin Islands on how to plan and organize her life.
She defines success as hard work, dedication, determination and having a plan of what you desire to accomplish in life. She knew her parents worked hard, they made sacrifices for their children and their extended family, so that made her even more determined to make the best of life and not go through what they went through. The lessons learnt from her parents’ struggles especially that of her mother taught her to make good use of opportunities afforded to her.
Her family in particular sees her as a leader and she tries her best to encourage other young people not only in her immediate family. Jackie tries her best to also encourage her staff members and colleagues to pursue their educational development. She encourages them to see their capabilities and make every effort to attain a higher level. Mrs Bryan-Niles is looking forward to continually improving herself and to keep on succeeding. Her encouragement to others is to “Be a leader not a follower”.
Mrs. Bryan Niles wants to encourage those who are willing to pursue their education not to look at going to school as a burden but to envision the bigger picture – as a means to an end, improving one’s standard of living and making one’s self a better person to the benefit of others.