The Ministry of Health, Anguilla continues efforts to strengthen capacities to respond to Ebola and other public health threats. Dialogue with partners is ongoing. Collaborative initiatives to be carried out over the next few weeks include the following:
• A Mass Casualty workshop spearheaded by the Department of Disaster Management has been tailored to include Ebola. This activity will involve multiple actors including Health, Ports of Entry and Royal Anguilla Police Force and will bolster inter-sectoral coordination and response.
• The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Government of Barbados are supporting training for personnel at the ports of entry in the approach to suspected ill travelers. This will include personnel from Immigrations, Customs, Port Authority, Police, the Department of Health Protection and private boat operators.
• As part of ongoing health facility preparedness activities, staff of the Health Authority of Anguilla will be undergoing drills in use of personal protective equipment (PPEs).
• In-country personal protective equipment (PPEs) stocks have been evaluated and there are more than 1000 PPE kits on island. Additionally, kits will be sourced with assistance from PAHO.
• Posters reinforcing messages about Ebola have been developed for dissemination at ports of entry and other public places.
• Chief Medical Officer Dr. Aisha Andrewin has met with members of the Chamber of Commerce and the Anguilla Hotel & Tourism Association to update them on Ebola preparedness
• Matters currently under discussion include travel and work permit restrictions for countries with widespread and intense transmission as well as further provisions for quarantine and isolation here in Anguilla.
The Ministry reiterates that the risk of Ebola transmission to the general public is low. Becoming infected requires direct, physical contact with the bodily fluids (vomit, faeces, urine, blood, semen, etc.) of people who have been infected with or died from Ebola. Precautions include avoiding physical contact with patients showing symptoms or dead bodies and their bodily fluids, as well as avoiding unprotected sexual contact with a patient that has recently recovered from the disease.
The Ministry of Health will continue to keep the public abreast of any developments.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)