Although the small Caribbean island of Anguilla is still counting the cost of the serious damage sustained during the passage of Hurricane Gonzalo on Monday, October 13, for LIME customers the anxiety caused by the storm was somewhat abated as the entire island was kept in constant communication with family and friends – thanks to LIME’s resilient network.
LIME, the number one network for maximum reliability and 100% coverage on the island, remained the only network to withstand the test of Hurricane Gonzalo.
Despite the harsh hurricane conditions, LIME’s full mobile coverage stood up to the ravages of Gonzalo. However, the company did not stop there. LIME Anguilla opened its doors at 9am the morning after the Hurricane to give customers the opportunity to re-charge their phones and top-up pre-paid accounts.
“Hurricane Gonzalo showed the true spirit of the LIME Anguilla team. With island-wide electricity outages, it was imperative that we provide a source for our customers to stay connected with their loved ones, near and far. We sent out a SMS text message and notified Radio Anguilla, that our office would be available for customers to use our SuperFast WiFi, Top up and charge handsets and other mobile devices. The team came in to aid with additional seating and additional charging ports. In addition car chargers were distributed free throughout the day,” Jade Reymond, Marketing and Communications Manager said.
Demonstrating leadership by example, LIME Caribbean CEO, Martin Roos, who was in Anguilla for a staff event scheduled that day, pitched in to help distribute water and assist LIME customers. “We are thankful that there was no loss of life, and although the island was ravaged by Hurricane Gonzalo, damage was minimised due to good disaster mitigation planning by the government and people of Anguilla. LIME is proud to have played our part by being there when the people needed us most,” Martin Roos said.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)