Thanks to the East End Community Centre, the D.O.V.E. (Developing Our Vision for Education) Centre, at the Alwyn Richardson Primary School, can meet some of its financial needs for its operations as a facility for challenged children.
On October 23, Ms Stacie Ruan, acting on behalf of the club and its President, Mr Owen Mussington, presented a cheque for EC$1500 to Mrs Violet Martin, Head of the D.O.V.E. Centre. The money was raised from the Club’s second Gospel Concert held on September 27 at St Gerard’s Roman Catholic Church. Those at the presentation included Mrs Olivia Lake, Deputy Principal at the primary school, and teachers at the D.O.V.E. Centre.
“We are aware that Government is not always financially-equipped to meet all the demands on the island,” said Ms Ruan. “As a result, the club decided to assist the D.O.V.E. Centre.”
Mrs Martin was grateful to the club for its timely assistance to the Centre. She hoped that other organisations and donors would replicate the thoughtfulness and kindness of the club to enable the Centre to provide the high level of caring service to which it is committed.
The East End Community Club embarked on a fundraising mission in 2009 to assist various primary schools and organisations in need of financial assistance. The D.O.V.E. Centre, where there are six students enrolled, is the latest recipient. Some of the services provided by the Centre are speech and language therapy and counselling.
The initiative to establish the Centre was undertaken by the Government of Anguilla through the leadership of the Ministry and Department of Education. Its role is to meet the specific and varying needs of children with severe and/or multiple developmental delays.