The 300-odd students at the Orealia Kelly Primary School have been told “to catch the reading bug.” The slogan, coined at the formal launching of the school’s library, was explained by one teacher as meaning “to get excited about reading, and always to have a book in your bag, on your table or on your bed.”
The first attempt at a library at the school was made by former Principal, Mrs Jasmine Hodge-Thomas, who used a shopping cart, carrying boxes of books through the classrooms – from kindergarten to grade three – to improve reading. That was in 2004. Now, ten years later, the school, headed by a new Principal, Ms Paula Etienne, formally launched a special library service with a room stocked with books and other facilities – all geared to encourage reading in all classrooms. In recognition of her early work, Mrs Hodge-Thomas, now Principal at The Valley Primary School, was given the opportunity to chair the opening/reopening of the Orealia Kelly School Library, formerly “Teacher Jah’s Library on Wheels.”
The library service provides for parents to sign a card authorising their children to borrow books and ensuring that they adhere to the rules of the library. A letter to the parents read in part: “I am willing that my son or daughter shall borrow books from the library and I promise to make good any damage or loss and to pay any fines justly charged.”
The setting up of the library room is among a number of new initiatives being undertaken by the newly-appointed Principal, Ms Etienne and her staff. She was grateful to Mrs Hodge-Thomas for the early beginnings of the library and all those who donated books to the school over the years.

There were two presentations during the event. One was a set of books by Avenique Brooks (a student of another school and daughter of Mrs Carlene Brooks, a staff member of the Orealia Kelly School). The second presentation was an HP Desk Jet Printer from Mr Elkin Richardson (a parent of a former student at the school). On an earlier occasion, Mr Richardson presented a microwave oven to the school.

Principal Mrs Jasmine Hodge-Thomas)