In these times of much unemployment, two young men of Welches, Alkins Fleming and Lester Hodge, have found a way to gainfully occupy themselves – and to pull up themselves by their own bootstraps as the saying goes.
They have established a fencing company, called Team Fleming, which has been well-received by various companies and home-owners across the island, providing them (the boys) with some much-needed money. Such has been the positive response to their industry that the very passionate youngsters are now thinking of stock-piling a quantity of fencing materials for sale as part of their services.
“No job is too small or great for us. It is a passion,” Fleming and Hodge boasted.
In a show of gratitude for the support they are receiving, and in an effort to give back to the community, the youngsters have fenced two areas of floral and ornamental plants at the Vivien Vanterpool School. What is more is that the fencing has been beautifully painted in the national colours of Anguilla, with decorative conch shells at the bases.
Their work blends in very attractively with the other beautification work on the school’s compound which was done during the service of the former Principal, Mrs Tracelyn Hamilton. Fleming and Hodge are grateful to Mrs Hamilton, now Principal of the Adrian T Hazell Primary School, for her encouragement and giving them the opportunity to contribute to the school.
The young men have pledged to give back to the community in other ways, as they happily carrying out their fencing business.z