ANGUILLA, B.W.I. – September 23, 2014 – Anguilla’s tourism news took center stage during Caribbean Tourism Organization’s 2014 State of the Industry Conference held last in St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands. During a press briefing held on September 17, 2014, at host hotel Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star Beach Resort, Anguilla Tourist Board’s (ATB) Deputy Director, Chantelle Davis shared the island’s latest news and developments, showing the world that the tiny tranquil island is ready and anticipating a prosperous winter season.
The briefing informed the media that the island is currently gearing up for one of its most anticipated winter seasons, with new hotel openings namely Malliouhana Hotel & Spa on November 1, Zemi Beach and The Reef by CuisinArt in 2015 as well as resort upgrades at Altamer, Cap Juluca and Properties in Paradise and an exciting calendar of on-island events held throughout the year, starting with the World Travel Awards Gala—hosted at CuisinArt Golf Resort & Spa, October 25–that are sure to be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. As a result of this press briefing and on-site fact-checking, media coverage is expected from some of the most coveted trade news organizations including Caribbean Journal, Travel Weekly, Recommend and Toronto Star to name a few, with more stories to come.
Other members of the Anguilla delegation, that also attended the weeklong series of conference sessions and business development meetings, September 16-19, included ATB Marketing Officer Twyla Richardson-Thomas; Senior Account Supervisor Jennifer Johnson of Cheryl Andrews Marketing Communications, Anguilla’s North America Sales and Marketing and Public Relations representatives; as well as Anguilla’s Junior Minister of Tourism, Arielle Gaskin.
At the Caribbean Tourism Youth Congress, Gaskin spoke articulately and convincingly about experiential tourism as a key niche market for island’s industry and on the surprise topic–expansion of the island’s tourism product to attract young travelers. Gaskin’s efforts secured the third prize in the heavily contested debate, making it the first time the destination has placed in the Youth Congress’ 12 year history.
Throughout the event, delegates, conference speakers and allied members from across the globe highlighted the region’s need to focus on authentic, culture-based experiences as a means of differentiating the Caribbean tourism product and the importance of a unified marketing platform – One Sea, One Voice, One Caribbean – as the CTO seeks to fulfill its mission to make the Caribbean the number one warm weather destination for travelers worldwide.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)
Speech by Ms Arielle Gaskin Delivered at CTO 2014 Conference
Former CEO of the Canadian Tourism Comission; Nancy Arsenault defines experiential tourism as travel which “engages visitors in …[inherently personal ], memorable travel activities… that make connections on an emotional, physical, social or intellectual level.” These words demonstrate an important concept namely that our tourists matter to us and that the experiences they enjoy on our shores, matter to them.
Undoubtedly, experiential tourism has great potential quite unlike any tourism niche marketed before. Sun, Sand and sea will not always entice tourists to visit our island as these exist in many places. It is the total experience that will create those memories of which Nancy Arsenault spoke. For example, the hair braiding lesson with a local expert is an experience that will matter when they return home.
In Anguilla, we have developed two extraordinary tourism products which provide authentic Anguillan experiences.
Firstly, the Mayoumba Folkloric group presents an explosion of Anguilla’s heritage through song, dance and cuisine. This historic journey reveals our humble beginnings and then highlights a proud nation that rose from a revolution and now flourishes because of tourism. At this performance, guests sample a plethora of succulent local dishes. These elements are the epitome of this product’s success. In fact, the cultural performance is so memorable, that it is now a well-known must-see .
Secondly, Festival del Mar as the name implies is the festival of the sea. It’s a two-day community event held during the Easter weekend in the island’s primary fishing village. The festival pays homage to our seafaring traditions and affords the most discerning traveler an opportunity to create their own stories!
One may enjoy the island’s iconic foods. Picture this… Roast pot fish, soups in cast iron three-legged pots simmering on three fire rocks, Fresh from the rock oven sweet potato pudding and Johnny cakes baked in specially made oil- drum ovens. All set against the backdrop of traditional string band music as one can opt to watch or engage in deep-sea fishing and boat racing, which is Anguilla’s national sport.
This festival’s success lies in the fact that spectators are able to capture the true flavor and simplistic pleasures of authentic Anguillan life!
Travelers have a variety of choices, but truly authentic experiences provide unforgettable memories. Experiential tourism is vital to the expansion and diversification of our major economic driver. It is the way to a successful future!