For the first time, Anguilla hosted the Judicial Retreat of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court held by its Judicial Education Institute (JEI). The event, at CuisinArt Golf Resort & Spa, took place from July 30 to August 1, 2014.
Those who spoke at the opening ceremony were Her Ladyship Hon Justice Louise Blenman, Chairperson of the JEI; the Hon Evan Gumbs, then Acting Chief Minister; and Dame Janice Pereira, DBE, Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court.
The following matters on the official agenda were presented for discussion:
Day One, Wednesday, July 30th: The New Money Laundering: The Future for the Caribbean. Presenter: Mr Jeffrey Robinson, Writer & Consultant; Introduction to Methodologies to Managing Stress. Presenter: Ms Ceronne Prevatt; Time Management. Presenter: His Lordship Hon Justice Albert Redhead, High Court Judge (Ag);
Welcome Reception by Her Excellency, Christina Scott, Governor of Anguilla.
Day Two, Thursday, July 31st: Building Public Trust & Confidence in the Judiciary – Judicial Attitudes. Presenter: Dame Justice Janice Pereira, DBE, Chief Justice, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court; Judicial Productivity: Presenter: Rt. Hon Sir Charles Michael Byron, President of the Caribbean Court of Justice; Methodologies for Managing Stress: Presenter; Ms Ceronne Prevatt, Consultant; Open Discussion: General issues Relating to Judges/Masters.
Day Three, Friday, August 1st: Digital Technology Training for Judges: Proposed Training Programme (4 hrs). Presenters: Mr Mark Ernest, IT Manager, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and Mr Anderson Henry, Systems Administrator; Short Talk on the Benefits of the use of Technology to Judges – via Skipe. Presenter: His Lordship, the Hon Justice Bryan Sykes; Maximising the use of Microsoft Word Features; Using Adobe Acrobat Professional; Effective use of USB and Online-Shared Drives; Digital Recording in the Courtroom; Evaluation and Closing Ceremony: Dame Justice Janice Pereira, DBE, Chief Justice, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court.
On Thursday, July 31, as part of the agenda, a number of the Judges and other Judicial Officials were taken on a guided tour of Anguilla. One of their visits was to Heritage Collection Museum at East End, where they met the Curator, Mr Colville L Petty, OBE.