Who to choose seems to be one of the biggest and toughest questions facing the electorate this time around. Do you agree, or are you one of those persons experiencing that dilemma also? Well, as you prepare for the upcoming general elections, it behooves you to contemplate deeply on what it takes to be a good candidate before deciding on your choice.
You see, elections present voters with important choices which have the potential not only to affect our communities, but the potential to change the direction of the country for better or for worse. Hence it is incumbent upon us as voters to make wise choices before going to the polls.
In order to do this, the Bible is a vital book that we should turn to, in order to seek counsel, as it instructs us on what to look for when choosing leaders. 1 Samuel 16:17, states: “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Profound words! Is that not interesting? How often do we choose or judge a person simply by appearance? We make our assumptions at first sight. Does he or she look strong, confident, or intelligent? Does he or she dress well? Does good bone structure mean that he or she has good character? Does he or she speak or read well? Does he or she have a university degree? These are the things we usually look for or ask ourselves when choosing leaders, and how often are we fooled?
You see, we can never go wrong if we choose our candidates in the same way God chose his. It is important to look beyond what you see. God looks at the heart and He judges a person’s faith and character. Those are the two traits that God looks for when searching for someone after His own heart. Are they not traits that we should be looking for also?
The Bible contains biographies of several great men and women, many of them powerful leaders. There was no election, no campaigning, or debate. God Himself just looked down and single-handedly chose and appointed Saul’s replacement to lead the nation. Not only that, but notice the method by which God made the choice. When Samuel arrived at Jesse’s house and explained his intent, the proud Jesse presented before the prophet his eldest, and apparently most impressive son, but here is what happened: “But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart”. Discerning the heart of this striking young man, God refused him. Clearly, God chooses His leaders using an entirely different set of criteria than men do.
So my friends if you are desirous to know who to choose as your candidate look at and study the heart of each of the candidates. Here is a guideline to help you in the decision-making process:
1. Find out why he or she is running? Is it only for pay or status, or is it to make a REAL change in your community and country?
2. Be an informed voter by reading as much factual information as you can about the candidates and the issues they speak about. Find out when debates will be taking place and attend them or listen via radio or television.
3. Make a list of things that are important to you such as values, integrity, as well as things you think the candidate should achieve etc.
4. Who do you feel is an honest individual? Is it being strong in character? Is it one who has been upfront and honest about all aspects of his or her life, and past? Or, is it one who has surrounded himself or herself with people that you can also respect and trust?
5. Read about their views on issues before they began campaigning. Often this is much more revealing of their true stance on issues than what they say during a campaign.
6. Who do you think knows how to grow our economy? Who will see that all people have the opportunity to work hard and become prosperous?
7. Who says what he or she means, and means what he or she says? Who do you think is speaking from his or her heart, and truly cares about the welfare of all of the Anguillian people? Who cares more about his or her country, than his or her desire to have the title of Chief Minister?
8. Find out if the candidate you have chosen is really the right one. Check his or her history. Find out if he or she is telling the truth, and if he or she can (and will) actually do what he or she promises.
9. Look for experience and leadership as well as good decision-making ability.
10. Detect who may be lying. If you think one of the candidates is lying about what he or she done and will do, do not cast your vote for that person. Don’t put up with this. Candidates will say they will do anything, but many of the things they want to do are not done without a great deal of collaboration with other government officials.
11. Does the candidate, the party member or the person who is to become the next Chief Minister, have sufficient courage and commitment to implement the chosen course of action in a timely, effective, and responsible fashion?
12. Decide what you are looking for in a candidate. Candidates can be judged in two ways: the positions they take on issues, and the leadership qualities and experience they would bring to office. Both are important. Your first step in picking a candidate is to decide the issues you care about and the qualities you want in a leader.
13. When you consider issues, think about community or national problems that you want people in government to address. For example, you may be interested in government funding for student loans or teenage unemployment, among other issues.
14. When you consider leadership qualities, think about the characteristics you want in an effective leader. Do you look for intelligence, honesty or an ability to communicate?
15. Learn about the candidates’ leadership abilities. Look at the candidates’ background and their experience. How well prepared are they for the job?
16. Observe the candidates’ campaigns. Listen and analyze the things they say. As you listen and watch the campaign develop, find out if the information presented is accurate. All candidates are trying to sell themselves to voters. Sometimes their language is so skillfully crafted that they distort the truth in ways that are difficult for even the most careful observer to detect.
17. Look into campaign contributions. Where do the candidates get the funds to finance their campaigns? How might these campaign contributions affect the candidates’ conduct in office?
When you would have followed these guidelines, you will be in a better position to make a wise choice. Choose a candidate you think is right and competent for the job, not one you think you have an obligation to. Make a pledge to yourself, not to vote on the basis of a political party or from a popularity standpoint.
Remember: A vote is a terrible thing to waste and every election is determined by the people who show up. Therefore choose wisely!
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com. Referrals can also be made directly through the Atlantic Star Center of Medical Excellence, South Hill, Anguilla. By Appointment Only: Tel 497-0765