As one listens to the social commentaries, there is absolutely no doubt that there are many things that people are disgruntled about – the lack of money, broken promises, taxes and, to a large extent, the state of the economy just to name a few. It appears that some persons may be of the view that they were fooled, but they are not going to be fooled this time around.
However, it is very important that the electorate not base their decision as to who to elect as leaders, on the basis of their emotions or the lack of money or the views put forth by the social commentaries, but instead on what makes a good government and the qualities of good leaders.
It is imperative that we understand and be aware that money is not everything. Although it is vital for living, the qualities of a good leader, as well as the fundamentals of a good and efficient government, must always take precedence. The essence of any good government is to represent the will and aspirations of the people. Any good government will provide a system of structure and integrity so that it can function well. Hence, when making an evaluation of various governments, one has to take into account the length of time that government spent in office, the things they have done and what they are saying they are now trying or hoping to do.
Selecting persons to form a government, therefore, is to be considered as serious business and calls for sober minds. Therefore, preparation is the key to being an informed voter. It is important that every prospective voter reads about, and studies, the candidates before making a decision as to who to choose. Voting is your opportunity to be heard, to hold elected officials accountable, and to have a say in important issues that affect your community and country – hence it should not be taken lightly or based on emotions.
The question that each voter may first need to ask him or herself is – What constitutes or makes a good Government? This will help him or her in his or her decision-making process when considering who is the candidate, in his or her opinion, best suited to form part of the next government.
To help you with this question, here are a few ideas of what makes a good government:
• A good government protects the people of the nation.
• A good government represents the people.
• A good government cares about and looks after the needs and welfare of the people.
• A good government delivers essential goods and services.
• A good government makes good decisions on behalf of the people.
• A good government needs a system that is run by laws that are set and agreed to by the people.
• A good government makes policies that benefit the people and the government.
• A good government promotes peace instead of division.
• A good government protects the people’s individual rights. The central purpose of government in a democracy is to be the role model for, and protector of equality and freedom and our associated human rights.
• A good government is accountable to the people. Government responsibilities must be completed properly, if not with excellence, and government’s power should not be abused.
Now that you have been given some ideas or food for thought on what makes a good government, who do you think are best suited for the job to govern or run the affairs of the country? If we are to embark on any meaningful way forward that will put our country on the path to prosperity, the role of government and its ability to effectively serve the interests of the people will have to be at the heart of the selection process for future leaders.
Remember: In our own lives, let each of us ask – not just what government will do for me, but what can I do for myself, my community and my country.
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com. Referrals can also be made directly through the Atlantic Star Center of Medical Excellence, South Hill, Anguilla. By Appointment Only: Tel 497-0765