The recently constructed multi-purpose basketball court at the Mary Elizabeth Recreational Park in Rey Hill held its first basketball camp under the auspice of the Honourable Mr. Evan Gumbs from July 21st through 25th 2014. The basketball camp was organized by members of the Mary Elizabeth Recreational Park Committee and was opened to all boys and girls from the ages of 7 through 18.
International coaches Shane Wagner and Joey Crawford from Oklahoma, USA were on island to conduct the basketball camp. They were assisted by local coaches from the Rey Hill community Akiem Richardson and Dwight Liburd. Coach Shane Wagner remarked, “The children and players that we are working with are like sponges! They want to learn and are eager to learn! It’s such a great thing that Minister Gumbs and the community have built for the children. We look forward to seeing their improvement.” During the camp both coaches also worked extra sessions with some of the talented players whom they deemed have the potential to play college basketball. Coach Joey Crawford commented, “This has been an amazing experience for me and the players here in Anguilla. Thanks so much to Minister Gumbs for this opportunity. I have worked with players all over the United States and I can honestly say these players have the potential to be GREAT players they only need experience and practice. The players listen very well, they are athletic enough, and their hearts are in the right place. With continued training you could see great players both boys and girls coming from this country who will be very successful in the game of basketball. Thanks again for this wonderful opportunity.”
The mission of the basketball camp was to provide high quality basketball instruction to Anguillan youth in a competitive environment while encouraging exemplary sportsmanship. Both coach Wagner and Joey of Team Oklahoma have worked with hundreds of players who have gone on to play Dvision 1 basketball and Professionally. During the camp they focused on the fundamentals of basketball which included ball handling, shooting, footwork, passing, and attacks.
When asked to comment on the camp, the Honourable Mr. Evan Gumbs stated, “I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to coach Shane and Joey for accepting my invitation to come to Anguilla and conduct the inaugural camp at the Mary Elizabeth Recreational Park. I am pleased with the turnout and the enthusiasm displayed by the participants and our local coaches. I am excited about the possibility that our local players have the skill to be recruited to play college basketball in the USA. My vision to fulfill a campaign promise of building a basketball facility to provide hope and opportunity for young people is certainly beginning to bare fruit. My sincere thanks to ALL that made the facility and the first basketball camp a success.”
The Mary Elizabeth Recreational Park Committee members expressed their gratitude to all the volunteers and sponsors namely: ABC Supplies, Max Printing, The Fleming Lake Group, High Way Rent A Car, Digicel, Department of Youth and Culture, Oklahoma Basketball Academy, Anguilla Tourist Board, Smokey’s Restaurant, Anguilla Great House, Anacaona Boutique Hotel, Flavours Restaurant, and E’s Oven. Your generosity and invaluable contributions have made the basketball camp a huge success. All the participants received water bottles compliments of Digicel, a certificate of participation, and an official camp T-shirt.
– Contributed
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)