It is a matter of commendation that Anguillian, Mr Thomas (Eddy) Kelly, working with a number of top-notch American Basketball Association (NBA) professionals, has for the fourth year organised a one-week training camp for Anguilla’s children. The over 200 youngters, fresh out of school for the summer holidays, were obviously excited about the camp.
The end result of this, and future camps, could eventually be the emergence of a number of Anguillian professional basketball players, or scholarship winners, who took the opportunity seriously.
The five-day camp opened at Viceroy Anguilla on Monday this week with a ceremony just outside the Basketball Court there. Viceroy’s General Manager, Mr Richard Alexander, thanked the NBA coaches, and all other persons, participating in the camp. “They make it so special and we really appreciate the support they are giving the camp and the other programmes that we have in place…These activities are really important to Viceroy and the island,” Mr Alexander commented.
The NBA coaches were also commended by Mr Haydn Hughes, Parliamentary Secretary, Sports and Tourism. He welcomed them to Anguilla and thanked them for contributing to the growth of the children of the island.
Mr Kelly, who resides in the United States and heads the Anguilla Youth Sports Foundation, was grateful to all persons for supporting the camp.