The six contestants competing for the title of this year’s Ms Tiny Tott Pageant have been visibly active in the community in the lead up to the Competition scheduled for Sunday July 20th at the Landsome Bowl Cultural Center.
The Pageant now in its 12th year , under the chairmanship and Founder of Ms. Patra Brodie as part of its personal development sessions, have decided to have the contestants venture out into the community on varied levels in order to educate and sensitize them about the island and its functions.
To this end on Thursday July 10th, the little beauties were afforded a Tour of the Cuisinart Resort and Spa where they viewed its facilities including the Spa. At the end of the tour, they met in the Resort’s lobby with General Manager – Mr. Stephan Zharia who sat and chit chatted with them before they were treated to cookies and fruit punch. Just before they departed each contestant was presented with gift bags from the Management team at the Resort.
The tour of the Resort was conducted by Front Office Manager Ms. Merla Smith and Assistant Events Coordinator – Ms. Latoya Scarborough who did a great job enlightening and responding to questions from the contestants about various aspects of the resort’s operation.
Present on the tour with the Contestants were newly appointed Public Relations Officer for the Committee – Ms. Patricia Bygrave and Assistant Chairperson – Ms. Josette Duncan.
Ms. Bygrave has been working with and conducting sessions with the Contestants in the area of personal development in the lead up to the Pageant on July 20th.
On Friday July 11th the contestants were accorded a visit to Her Excellency – Governor Christina Scott’s office. Upon arrival she warmly welcomed them following which they were given a tour of the offices there. Ms. Fiona Wilkinson – Executive to the Deputy Governor who conducted the tour also included the chambers where the Executive Council is being held. The girls were very excited and took advantage of this historic moment when they requested and were afforded the privilege of a photo in that room as they briefly occupied some of the seats used by key Government leaders of the island when they meet.
Following the office tour, Her Excellency invited them to her residence where she sat and spoke with them about the competition while they were being treated to cookies and cup cakes.
The Contestants were accompanied by 3 members of the Pageant’s Organising Committee – Ms. Josette Duncan, Mrs. Jacinta Vanterpool and P.R.O. Ms. Bygrave.
The final activity in their expose’ ended on Saturday night where they met at Darwin’s Place – Back Street South Hill where they sang beautifully to the delight of patrons as they karaoked in a thrill of voices until late evening.
The organizing committee is appealing to the general public to come out and support the event as this year promises to be a treat with a highly competitive show. There will also be a lot of prizes and giveaways to kids for this family oriented event.
Tickets will be on sale as at Friday…….at various outlets including the Drug Store, Tackle Box, Digicel’s main office….Adults US$10.00 and kids up to 10 years US$6.00.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)