The JC Recreational Centre was the happy host to 27 well-behaved youngsters from the Omolulu International School. They were taught the fundamentals of exercise – stretch, strength and stamina work and put through their paces in each area. Their motor-coordination was tested with fast response compass direction turns and various agility moves.
After an hour class they had time to play basketball, soccer, skipping, hula hoops and various other running activities until their bus arrived. Just before they left Coach Price and Director Jaine Rogers were pleased to receive a beautiful rendition of a “Thank You” song from the students. Then it was off to their next adventure, followed hopefully – after a full day – with a good night’s sleep!
Teacher Lorraine Thompson thanked Coach Louis Price for his “patience, time and skills” and for “welcoming [them] with such warmth”.
The JCRC looks forward to continued collaborations like this which helps to fulfill its Mission:
“To direct and harness children’s energies into positive channels, which include organised sports, fitness classes and tutoring sessions to facilitate and enhance their social development”.
For more information about the JC Recreational Centre, or to find out how you can collaborate with or contribute to its goals, contact us at jcrecreationalcentre@gmail.com or visit our website at www.jcrecreationalcentre.org.
Contributed by the JC Recreational Centre
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)