The Anguilla Kool Riders Motorcycle Club has donated a quantity of well-needed supplies to the Miriam Gumbs Senior Citizens’ Home. The donation, on Tuesday, July 22, was part of a current week of activities – from July 20-26 – dubbed “the first Anguilla Kool Riders Motorcycle Fest 2014.”
Mrs Carmen Lloyd, a member of the Motorcycle Club, spoke to the Home’s Head Nurse, Ms Coreen Hodge, and others, on behalf of her colleagues. “This week we are celebrating the first annual Motorcycle Week,” she stated. “We are not only about riding around the island and having a good time. We are sharing what we have with the communities so this is one of our outreach efforts for this year. We are presenting the Home here with some much-needed food items, toiletries and other essentials.
“We hope that our donation would be of great assistance to the Home, and we wish you all the best.”
Nurse Hodge replied: “On behalf of the staff and clients of the Miriam Gumbs Senior Citizens’ Home, and the Health Authority on a whole, we wish to thank the Bikers’ Club for this generous donation. We look forward to donations like these from other community groups, and I hope that they will continue to be a part of us.”
The week of activities commenced on Sunday, July 20, with members of the Motorcycle Club attending the Central Baptist Church service. On Thursday, the bikers visited the Arijah Childrens’ Foundation, at Blossom Centre, where they mde a donation. A fundraising Bingo Night was also organised at the James Ronald Webster Park on Thursday, with a grand prize of US$2,000 and various smaller cash prizes.
A bike exhibition was arranged for Friday, July 25, from 9 am to 3 pm on the grounds of the General Post Office.
The week of activities will climax on Saturday, July 26, with a grand bike rally in the morning and a social evening for the bikers.