Good evening my people, those of you who are present at this meeting those listening by radio or via the internet. Before, I go on I would like to offer my condolences to the family of the late Mr Vivien Arthwin Vanterpool (Teacher Arthwin). Teacher Arthwin was born in this district, Mount Fortune to be exact. He had a deep love for his country and his people especially children and young adults and served his community and Anguilla at large. I have heard comments from many persons before and since his passing how he motivated, encouraged, challenged, supported and even disciplined them. From Teacher Arthwin’s autobiography, Overcoming the Odds, I quote his philosophy “To leave the World a better place than you met it.” (End of quote) He has done that and his legacy will live on through those whom he influenced.
One person to benefit from Teacher Arthwin’s legacy is Pam Webster. He was her teacher, mentor, counsellor and together we endorsed her candidacy in 2010. He was one of the many many supporters who encouraged her to be a candidate in the upcoming general elections. Despite his health condition he was present at the ‘District One Love’ meeting on the 15th February this year, and his prepared message was read by his granddaughter.
My People, tonight, it is with a sense of gratitude and humility that I give God thanks for the opportunity, to stand on this platform, to make some remarks on behalf of Palmavon Webster. Many years ago on my way home from work, about two minute’s walk from here, as I walked up the hill pushing my bicycle I saw a beautiful little girl standing by the side of the road. I looked at her as she stood quietly, patiently, so composed and calm, I recognized that this child was special. I found out later that the child was Palmavon Webster who was waiting for the other children who were by Nanny (Mrs Inez (Nezy) Harrigan) one of those caring persons in our district, who gave all of the children who passed by her home something to sustain them as they made the long walk to Island Harbour.
Pam is standing in the upcoming general elections as an Independent Candidate to represent the people of the Electoral District of Island Harbour-District One and her symbol is the FISH. Why is Pam running as an Independent candidate? Well, in the 2010 elections Pam ran with The Anguilla Progressive Party, that party does not now exist. In 2010 she did not win, she was not elected, but she was not defeated, did not leave her people her District. Pam set out to achieve the goals in her Community Development Plan for District 1-Island Harbour– Preserving the Past Utilising the Present Creating a Bright and Prosperous Future— and so encouraged by all her supporters, especially those in District One, asking for proper representation, and with that burning desire to represent not only District One but the whole of Anguilla, she has chosen to run as an Independent Candidate, to be the elected representative of the people. She has now joined with the thirty five persons including our three former and current Chief Minister who sometime during the last ten general elections from 1972 to 2010 ran as an Independent Candidate.
Pam is not a trained social worker, she is by profession a lawyer but she knows the importance of people, our most valuable asset, and our community. As someone who genuinely cares for people she takes positive action to do something that would benefit them. From her 2010 Development Plan for District One I quote, “There must be an increased commitment to the future and a new approach to embracing the benefits of community development and human advancement.” (End of quote.) Towards the achievement – the realization – of this, Pam established the Island Harbour Community Care Center. This Center was opened on 12 September 2009 and dedicated to Lambertine Webster affectionately called Lambie, a humble and compassionate woman who loved and cared for everyone.
The mission of the center is and I quote “The Care Center is committed to the sustainable development of the Island Harbour Community, with a particular emphasis on the well-being of our children and youth.” End of quote. A strategic Plan was developed and a number of the programs have been implemented and are being carried out. Children, young adults, adults and older adults from within and outside of ‘District One,’ have benefitted, are benefitting, from them – and the process goes on.
A second Center was opened in the Pond Ground on 12th April 2014. At the opening of that Center it was touching to hear the comments of residents as they thanked Pam for putting in place a center to help not only the children but the entire community and for remembering and honouring residents of the community. Pam provided the funding but the work on the center was truly a community effort headed by Salih Abdur Raheem.
It would take too much time to go into detail about the strategic plan the various activities and achievements of the centers but I will give a few. Regular classes in English, Mathematics, Spanish and the Computer; Homework support, operates a lending Library, use of Scholastic reading kits, personal and skills development sessions, parenting course; in collaboration with the Red Cross, training for Center Staff and Community, on Community Against Violence in Anguilla. Coaching and sponsorship of two basketball teams; refurbishment of basket ball court at Island Harbour; and through the Sports Department the purchase of Lights and permission to refurbish the playing fields; hosted training that was facilitated by the Department of Disaster Management, in the Community Emergency Response Team Certificate Program. Two persons from the district are now facilitators of the ongoing program; A Partner with the Job Link-up program and over 15 youths recommended yearly. Many have been successfully placed and fully employed. The most recent success is the employment of three young men and two young ladies some now enrolled at the Community College; Summer programs; sponsorship by the two centers of the Donger Bicycle Race – this is the first time a race has been named after a cyclist was one of the comments. As I said before it would take too much time to go into detail about the strategic plan, all the activities and achievements to date – but the process goes on.
I received this week from the Center Manager a report on the centers and I quote something from that report. “We are committed to the people and dedicated to the positive outcomes and the efforts we make. We could not accomplish any of this without the support of Pam Webster. We are often targeted negatively by politicians in the district because of Pam’s support and assistance. We have invited them to come and be a part of the center and partnership with us. To this day none has taken up the offer but yet they are trying to destroy the center— (end of quote). This is so sad but God is good and I ask that we pray for the success and continued development and use of all such centers on Anguilla.
Pam over the years has donated to establishments, contributed to and sponsored events all over Anguilla. She has helped many persons and she does not talk about it she just gives thanks to God and those who helped her when she needed it and is grateful that she is able to help others. I have heard many personal stories from persons whom Pam has helped and at the end each one said ‘Pam is a generous, humble person she does not talk about what she has done for people’. Pam may not talk about what she has done to help others but she cannot stop those whom she has helped from talking.
My people, Pam Webster is a loving and caring person she connects and communicates well with people. She not only believes but by her actions has demonstrated that everyone is important has potential and should be given an opportunity for positive personal development, a sustainable livelihood and the enhancement of their health and wellbeing.
Pam’s love and interest is not only for her constituency, District One, but the whole of Anguilla and her clarion call for a ‘New Anguilla Now’ clearly demonstrates that. Pam will ensure that there is a National Development Plan for the sustainable and continuous development of Anguilla and its people. She is an agent of change and of great value and importance to her are democracy, good governance, the inclusion of and the contribution of the community, other stake holders in Anguilla’s public and private sectors and our external development partners, in the planning and development processes for Anguilla, and its positioning in the world.
Pam as an elected member of the government of Anguilla with God’s grace and your help will serve us the people of Anguilla well. Pam will ensure that in Anguilla the main focus is people, and that our wellbeing, health, education, safety, security and financial stability are assured, we are informed, included and listened to. The economy of Anguilla is diversified and thriving, development is sustainable, Anguilla’s natural resources both land and sea are protected and well managed. With the peoples input our Constitutional status will be determined, our political, administrative and electoral processes are redefined and Anguilla is in a position to respond positively to what happens outside of Anguilla that may impact us and over which we may have very little or no control.
My people, Pam’s interest and desire for an increased commitment to the future and a new approach to embracing the benefits of community development, human advancement and the well-being of the people of our district, her district, and Anguilla as a whole, is more than lip service, more than talk, it is phenomenal, Pam, is already working to ensure this. She can and will not just talk the talk but is prepared and capable to walk the walk. I fully support Pam and endorse her candidacy as a qualified, fit and proper person to represent Island Harbour – District One in the upcoming general elections.
ONE LOVE FROM DISTRICT ONE TO DISTRICTS 2-3-4- 5- 6- 7. May God bless all of us and Anguilla, I thank you for listening.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)