A number of customers will be benefitting from the just-launched LIME Anguilla summer promotion, called “Get Appy” – covering three specific aspects: mobile, internet and the award of prizes. The prizes alone amount to EC$40,000, with winners liable to receive considerable sums of prize money each week, as well as discounts on services.
Further, LIME, as the platinum sponsor of the Anguilla Summer Festivities, is sponsoring a number of shows at an overall sum of EC$125,000.
Ms Jade Reymond, LIME Anguilla’s Communication and Marketing Manager, told media representatives: “The promotions started on the first of July and will continue until the fifteenth of August. The mobile part of the promotions basically brings awareness to our new data packages [which we announced] when we launched our 4G service.
“On the post-paid side, we have packages that range from EC$24 up to EC$69, depending on the number of gigs that a customer is interested in for each package. For prepaid, we have packages as low as two EC dollars for a day pass or EC$44 for a monthly pass which also allots a specific amount of data, depending on what the customer needs.”
Ms Reymond continued: “With the promotion, any customer that signs up for a new post-paid service, or upgrades to any of our data packages, have the opportunity to win…This summer, we are giving our customers the opportunity to win up to EC$40,000 in prizes. Every week we will have four winners. How you get to win is by paying your bill on time and in full. If you top up by more than EC$15; if you post any of your summer festival activities to our Facebook page, you will also get an opportunity to win, as well as if you send a text message to Carnival 40 to 3100. Every week we will have four winners of EC$400 and we will also have four winners of EC$4,000 as well, during the six-week period.
“For the Internet aspect of our promotion, this summer is the first time we ever offered such a huge discount on our Internet services. We are offering 50% off of our Internet packages for one year, as well as free installation and free wireless modem. For our existing Internet customers, if you also upgrade your Internet service during the period, you will also have the opportunity to get 50% off for the first three month. All of our discount packages are applicable to one-year contracts.”
Ms Reymond added: “Basically, the Appy promotion brings highlight to the different apps that our customers can download on their handsets. Now that we are offering cheaper or more inexpensive data packages for our customers, you can enjoy more data for less. With that in mind, we are now encouraging customers to download more apps. There are millions of apps out there and we even have some suggestions. Apart from the popular instagram, twitter and facebook, there are also a number of applications that make your lifestyle easier and more sociable.”