Taking the LEAD, a three-month LEADership forum hosted by the Comprehensive Learning Centre and sponsored by the Jubilee Fund facilitated through the Governor’s Office, has seen the growth of its first cohort of 18 young persons after their graduation. This enlightened group of young persons again took the LEAD in their community when they undertook their first community initiative.
On Saturday 12th July, at the Comprehensive Learning Centre, in North Hill, the group made a financial contribution of just under EC$1000.00 to one of their colleagues in an effort to assist her in defraying the cost of medical attention for her daughter, Swateema, who several months earlier had been involved in an accident which left her requiring several rounds of surgery. Colleague Jasmine Connor who was taken by surprise by the kind gesture, with teary eyes and a grateful heart, thanked her colleagues for the contribution.
This is just the first step as the “leaders of today and tomorrow” take the LEAD by practicing what was taught as they ensure the sustainable development of this country.
– Contributed