This weekend was an active one for me based on a number of events that I had the opportunity to attend. It was a holiday weekend in honor of the Queen’s Birthday but the events that I attended had absolutely nothing to do with monarchy. They all brought on a good feeling that our future as a nation is secure; that the community is coming together to celebrate our culture and traditions; and that our young people are doing great things.
Last weekend I did not comment in my column on the Welches Fest mainly because I arrived late from off-island and missed most of the cultural events. However, as is to be expected, The Anguillian did a wonderful job in capturing the moments of the extravaganza both in pictures and in words. My lateness, however, did not prevent me from having an enjoyable time in an environment steeped in the best of Anguilla in food and song.
My weekend began on Friday afternoon when I had the opportunity to attend the launching of the official mobile application and web-based platform of Anguilla’s 40th Summer Festival, “#axasumfestive”. Many of us from the “baby boomer” generation operate on a need to know basis with Internet technology, and very few of us understand it sufficiently to identify and pursue business opportunities in that area.
In this context, it was refreshing to see two young entrepreneurs take the plunge and do it right the first time. I am of course referring to the LIVE Creative Group and its principals, Jermaine Payne and Tahirah Banks. They are the brains behind this venture and were able to successfully partner with Cable & Wireless and Maico Insurances to launch this new and exciting product from their new headquarters in the Mason Complex. I must also commend the Carnival Committee, in addition to the two corporate sponsors, for putting their confidence in these young people because, as it is often expressed, the older adults in the society tend not to place much trust in young people in terms of their ability to differentiate between dreams and real possibilities.
It was very moving to hear Jermaine and Tahirah explain and demonstrate their product to the mixed audience of family, friends and persons from all walks of life. Their presentations were very passionate indeed. The product will certainly make a great difference to its users’ ability to keep up with information about Carnival events and to interact with the participants. I saw in Jermaine and Tahirah a departure from the traditional jobs and businesses that restrict us in the choice of careers we pursue. But, most importantly, they were very professional in their approach. I want Jermaine and Tahirah to know that I am exceptionally proud of them and wish them well.
Another inspiring event took place on Saturday morning at Da’vida’s Restaurant put on by the Junior Optimists under the theme “Celebrating the Spirit of Achievement”. It was the culmination of a series of talks and presentations by a number of leading male figures in the community, from all avocations, for Men’s Week. The event was a Father and Son Prayer Breakfast. I was extremely pleased to see the number of young men that sat listening patiently throughout the entire program. Yet I am certain that each one of them found something to identify with from the stories that the presenters told about their life experiences. I calculated that the attendance was in the range of 250 – 300 persons.
What struck me about the event was that the men and boys came from all parts of the island; from different denominations; and different backgrounds. It was the largest gathering of men and boys (only) that I have witnessed in Anguilla, and as I looked around the room I had a sense that this would not be the last. It was obvious that they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves — not only because the breakfast was sumptuous but because of the fellowship was extraordinary as well. I highly commend the Junior Optimists; Optimist International; Government agencies; and the media for collaborating on the entire program but especially the Prayer Breakfast.
On Sunday I spent some time at the West End Caribbean Festival at Meads Bay. This is another event designed to bring the community together. It entails Boat Racing; Bicycle Racing; Table games; and good food. It is a growing trend in our several villages to have a particular day on the calendar as an annual festival event. I believe that this will go along way towards showcasing the unique character and culture of the village communities. As it improves in quality it can then graduate to an event on the Tourism Calendar as well eventually making Anguilla an island of village festivals.
On Monday it was the East End Family Fun Day on the grounds of the Old East End School. This event started last year but it has its own special charm. And once again large crowds gathered to participate in the various games; eat good food; and enjoy the musical entertainment on the sound stage. It was an event that you could come at your leisure because it lasted the whole day, and I must say that it seemed to very well organized, disciplined and controlled. Actually, the way a family event ought to be.
And amidst all of this there were other events all over the island including a new boat race in Crocus Bay; political meetings; Fathers Day programs; get-togethers; and Bingo games. The 40th Annual Summer Festival is just around the corner but many of us are looking forward to the South Valley Community Street Fair — another piece of Unique Anguilla. We will soon be looking for another mobile application to guide us through! Just some “ramblings” on a packed weekend!