“Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal; Dust thou art, to dust returnest, was not spoken of the soul.” – Longfellow
Prior to the passing of “Teacher Arthwin”, to which he was affectionately known, he had several visits in and out of the hospital. While at home he was cared for by his “NURSE”, as he called her, his daughter, Yvonne Vanterpool and his family.
Mr. Vanterpool’s philosophy towards life was to “Try to make the world a better place then he met it” and that he did. His main ambition in life was the importance of education and with such, he began his teaching career on January 8th, 1951 and retired from teaching on 27th March, 1987. During his tenure in education he was Principal of the Island Harbour, East End, Valley and West End Primary Schools. He also was a substitute teacher at Stoney Ground Primary School. For his contribution towards education on October 15th, 2009, the then named Island Harbour Primary School was renamed in his honour as the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School.
Not only as a teacher and principal, but in several subsequent distinguished capacities, Vivien Vanterpool has watched Anguillian history unfold – from an era when the island was ruled from afar and frequently forgotten or ignored, through its struggle for independence and recognition, to its first steps toward becoming the modern tourist destination it is today.
In addition to his work within the public sector, he also worked in the private sector embarking on areas including working as the Public Relations Officer for the National Bank of Anguilla (NBA) Ltd. and was the First Representative for the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank and served on the Board of Directors for Anglec Ltd. and NBA Ltd. He was the executor for many wills as well as assisted many persons with completing passport application forms.
He was also a family man who always took pride in love and support for them and a devoted husband to his loving wife Marjorie Vanterpool. Furthermore, he was a man of God and faithfully attended the St. Andrews Anglican Church in Island Harbour. There he did various scripture readings and served as the Secretary of Vestry.
His passion, in addition to his love for family, education and Church, was cricket. Every game, regional and international he was tuned in for, whether via television or his radio. He was a humble man and dedicated in whatever task brought before him.
On December 19, 2013, Mr. Vanterpool left another legacy behind in the form of the launching of his autobiography entitled Overcoming the Odds. Though he was ill at the time, he attended the ceremony and was exceptionally proud of his accomplishment. His autobiography is not only a fascinating look into the life of one dedicated educator during a period of vast change, it is also the chronicle of the island of Anguilla.
To the bereaved relatives and friends of the late Mr. Vivien Arthwin Vanterpool we extend our deepest sympathies. Details of his family members, the thanksgiving service and internment will be given later.
In lieu of flowers the family requests that contributions be made toward the Vivien and Marjorie Vanterpool Scholarship Fund. To do so kindly contact Eusvon Brooks at 581-8894.
– Contibuted
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)