Mr Editor:
Who elected the Governor? Why do we have to hear from her what our elected Chief Minister is doing? Why do we have to hear from her what the Chief Minister was doing in the UK? Is she his Permanent Secretary or Press Secretary? How come she didn’t tell us that he was allegedly the star at the dance in Slough, with all the latest moves, paid for from our scarce financial resources?
Where is the openness from our Ministers? Where is the transparency from our Ministers? We are tired of them leaving the island and not telling us where and for what they are going. We don’t know how many tag-a-longs they are travelling with. We don’t even know when they return.
We get no report on their return. We get nothing. And sometimes before we know that they have returned, they are gone again. They carry on as though we don’t exist. They are supposed to be our servants, but they are treating us like their door mats. They walk on us on their way out, and wipe their feet on us on their way in. Anguillians deserve better.
And what about the money that is being wasted tripping all over the globe? Shouldn’t we demand some figures from the Finance Department? And while we are checking on the wasteful expenditure of our Ministers, we should also be checking on expenditure by the Parliamentary Secretary Tourism and the whole Tourism Department. The staff there makes many useless and expensive overseas trips, also with tag-a-longs, wasting the meagre funds from our Treasury. I hear the Department’s monthly telephones bills allegedly have more private calls than official calls and are allegedly paid for by Government.
And while we are digging at expenditure, look again at the $40,000 phone bill for that Minister who allegedly hardly spends a day in Anguilla.
Mr Editor, I will be back with much more.
(Name withheld on writer’s request.)
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)