Dear Editor:
Presently, I support no particular candidate. So far, I attended three meetings. One each by the AUF, the AUM and the DOVE. The AUF held a clean campaign. Please keep it up. There is no need for slander or mudslinging in an effort to bring up yourself. Doing so doesn’t make you any better than you are. In fact, it lowers your standard.
These are some of the standards I will use to decide my choice of candidate. When you slander you hurt the victim, his family, their friends and friends of their friends. Then, how do you expect their votes? The AUM embarrassed themselves. They wasted their time hammering Eddie and Banks and were left with no time to explain how they planned to make this sinking ship float again, after almost five years. Then came the doctor from the east. It seemed he was speaking from aloft, adding insult to injury, saying “we’re better off.”
If he meant we’re better off dead – than to spend another five years under the AUM leadership, a living hell, with Hubert Hughes their advisor this time and maybe Jerome their chief – he maybe right. I thought the doctor was the captain but that seemed to be swept under the carpet for there was no mention on that. But, if you do not tell us in time the doctor too may lose out.
This statement “we’re better off” makes me feel there is no hope with the AUM for I am down to my nose diving. When those words were said, I swallowed deeply, took a deep breath and accidentally took in water into my nostrils and almost drowned. However, the DOVE promised to float the ship again if elected. Sutcliffe told of his plan: “he would try to bring in 2000 investors”. This would mean Anguilla would have to have a population of approximately 100,000 working people. This sounds too good to be true but I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. He was frankly speaking what he thinks is a way forward. He placed some blame on the AUF but he made it clear that he thought the AUM would have done better, but they did even worse.
It would be fair for me to say that the DOVE was not without fault. Their candidate for Valley South gave information on Banks’ alleged involvement with some companies. Yet he claims he is not blaming Banks for anything, he is just asking questions.
My question sir, is it the public you were asking your questions? Was not there somewhere you could have gone to find out the truth and then present the truth to the public? Didn’t Banks answer these questions in The Anguillian some time ago? Why are you trying to influence the public to believe it is true with your indirect language? Don’t you know to speak indirectly is to be dishonest? Look up the word indirect in the Webster’s Dictionary. It says (a) not to the point, (b) round about, and (c) dishonest. Therefore, you should not tell us anything that you cannot prove. These things will come back to haunt you.
It is extremely unfair to slander, directly or indirectly, and I know Preacher Niles, Sutcliffe, and surely the Magistrate, if they were to be honest, would tell you so for they know better. You know what’s interesting? Wherever I turn the only person I can hear about is Banks this and that. Pure negativity, never a good word but when you come across in this kind of attitude, I know there’s something unique about that individual which his foes don’t possess and so resort to envy. All of us have some good and bad – after all that’s our nature. So please tell us what you know good about him now! I know good things about him. One is, he can encourage investors to our shores with more jobs than Anguillians can handle – we would have to look outside for labour. Isn’t this how the other countries do it? Sutcliffe seems to agree with this because he wants to bring in 2000 investors according to his plan. When Banks was in power I was able to pay my bills, pay my loans, and send my children to college. That can’t be said of now. Presenting a heavy budget does not bother Anguillians so long as they’re making money. In fact it’s sign that the Island is well off. When there is no money coming forth , a small or big budget is meaningless, for I will still lose what I have worked for all those years. That’s what’s happening right now.
If there’s one man Anguilla needs now it’s Mr Banks. I have the confidence in him that, despite all the negativity, he can make Anguilla rise again. There’s an old adage: if you cannot speak good of someone , say nothing at all. It’s better to keep quiet than to have to beg pardon. It’s best to be quiet and be thought of as a fool, than to open you mouth and prove your are. So who are they trying to fool?
Name withheld by writers request