Anguilla’s female CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Ms Rochelle Rogers, recently travelled to Guyana to participate in a regional Advocacy Workshop for the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME). According to Ms Rogers, “the workshop was very timely, principally as it aimed to provide the CARICOM Youth Ambassadors with the necessary information and tools to promote the deeper economic integration of the Caribbean Community”. The workshop included interactive presentations on the OECS economic integration strategy and highlighted details on; Free Movement of People and Skills in CARICOM; Human Resources Development in the Region; Culture as Capital, and Information Communication Technology (ICT) as an integral part of the CARICOM community.
Ms Rogers believes that though Anguilla, an Associate member of CARICOM, is not a signatory to the CSME, it is still imperative that we as Anguillans keep abreast of the issues and happenings in regards to the CSME implementation strategies; particularly if Anguilla is interested in ever becoming a full member of CARICOM.
The workshop also featured several practical segments including “The Art of Public Speaking”, on-camera interview guide and mock demonstrations of youth friendly advocacy messages regarding CSME.
Ms Rogers would like to extend a special thank you to the CARICOM secretariat, the Department of Youth and Culture, and the National Youth Council for facilitating her participation.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)