distributing awards
Twelve persons in West End, some of whom have died, have been honoured for their outstanding contribution to the development of boat-racing, in Anguilla, now the island’s national sport.
The Fourth Annual Pioneers Award ceremony was held for the second time at Ocean Echo Restaurant on Saturday night, May 31. The event, which attracted a large gathering, was presided over by Mr Cardigan Connor, Chairman of the West End Pioneers Committee.
The honorees were Evans “Chiefy” Hodge, Davis Richardson, Warrington Connor, Ezra Richardson, Urbane Fleming, Stephen Hughes, Glen Hodge, Ansell “Don” Carty, Errol Richardson, Walton Richardson and Beston Hughes-Richardson. The racing boats, on which they served interchangeably over the years, were Light & Peace, NWO, Wizard, Stay Up and Upsetter.
“This is the fourth year of honouring twelve pioneers and I think there are probable another forty-eight to go,” Mr Cardigan Connor said in his opening remarks. “It says something special about what it means to our village and our people, and I am pleased about that.”
He was also pleased to see the number of young people who were at the award ceremony, noting that they were happy about the legacy that their forebears had left and the fact that it was living on. “I like the fact that so many young people are interested in boat-racing. It is a sport that can help to unite us going forward,” Connor said.
He was grateful to all the sponsors of the event. He singled out Dr Len Cerulla, a brain surgeon from Chicago, who has been visiting Anguilla for the past twenty-two years, and his wife, Mrs Cheryl Cerullo, as the main sponsors of the annual, award ceremony. Dr Cerulla, who assisted in the presentation of awards, commented that he was happy to share in the boat-racing culture of Anguilla.
Mr Desmond “Shine” Richardson, a member of the West End Pioneers Committee, reflected on the early days of boat-racing and was pleased to see how well the sport had developed over the years. He said the pioneers of boat-racing had instilled their love for the sport in the minds of all of the present-day fans “who are now carrying on this wonderful tradition.” He was grateful to all members of the organising committee for planning the award ceremony, as well as to the sponsors for their assistance.
Similar words of appreciation were expressed by Ms Carmen Oliveras, a member of the Anguilla Boat Racing Committee, and Mr Stephen Hughes, who has served as captain of the Light & Peace and Wizard.
In addition to Dr and Mrs Cerulla, the other sponsors were Cardy & Jacquie Connor; Cheddie’s Sandblasting; Food’s ’95; Cap Juluca; Viceroy Anguilla; CuisinArt Resort & Spa; Smokey’s Bar & Grill; KCN; Sheriva Boutique Hotel; Ocean Echo Restaurant; Straw Hat Restaurant; Mango’s Sea-Side Grill; Funtime Boat Charters; Frangipani Beach Resort; and Anacaona Boutique Hotel.