A few weeks ago I wrote the last of four articles on “Hope for Anguilla”. I made the point that if there is to be a real and lasting solution to the present crisis, the political and civic leaders of Anguilla must become principle-centred, must lead out of a Win-Win praradigm – with collaboration being a distinctive characteristic of their administration – and must create, as a matter of urgency, an environment of empowerment for the public service and Anguillians in general. This is imperative because of the strong connection between real national development and a truly empowered public service and civil society. Fundamental to this development and progress is education, training and the development of positve values.
As an Anguillian patriot, I have a profound and abiding love for, pride in, and commitment to, this island. It hurts me very much to see our sorry state because of the prolonged neglect in developing the human potential on one hand and, on the other, the selfishness and greed, and the lack of transparancy, accountabilitability and integrity on the part of the island’s leaders over the last two or so decades. It raises the question about the level of their patriotism. The situation is so bad that there are now many “up-standing” persons who seem to have lost the sense that certain things are immoral, unjust and wrong, no matter who does them or what their immediate financial advantage may be, and that no amount of rationalization or frequency of occurence can make a wrong thing right. The fact is that some things are inherently wrong and, even if they are made legal, they are still wrong, and whenever done should prompt an outrage. Examples of such things in histroy have been slavery, genocide and racism. More recently, things like homosexuality, lesbianism, prostitution, corruption, conflict of interest and others, have come into focus. It seems that our moral and spiritual compass has shifted considerably from true north.
In this article I want to reflect briefly on the very important subject of Personal Growth in the hope that you who read it will be motivated to personal action and be inspired to encourage others to take personal action. In this way we can begin a much needed revolution which will help to transform Anguilla.
Question: Have you reached your fullest potential as yet? If your answer is “NO”, then I ask further: Do you have a plan for your personal growth so that you can reach your fullest potential? I am sure some of you do, but I suspect most of you don’t. Please read on. Dr. John Maxwell says this about “Potential”:
“Potential is one of the most wonderful words in any language. It looks forward with optimism. It is filled with hope. It promises success. It implies fulfillment. It hints at greatness. Potential is a word based on possibilities. Think about your potential and get exctited…what a positive thought.”
I fully agree with him. The fact is that God has blessed every human being with potential ie. the possibility of being better today than you were yesterday, and still to be better tomorrow than you are today, and so on. However, that steady growth movement is not automatic. Each of us has to do certain things to nurture and enhance it. Unfortunately, many persons do not think about their potential and so it remains underdeveloped and unfulfilled as they limp along through life year after year. If you are one of those persons, I urge you right now to think of your purpose in life; think about what God wants you to be and do, and aim to do it to the best of your ability. That may be challenging but if you do it you will experience a sence of fulfillment and joy.
Question: Are you a person of excellence? Are you satisfied with being average? Can you do better than what you are doing at present? Yes You Can! To reach your potential you must grow – and to grow, you must be intentional, that is, you must really want to grow and you must decide to begin today: NOW!
Here are two thoughts for you to ponder deeply:
i) Your growth in character determines the height of your personal growth.
ii) Principles and values are more important at the end of life’s journey than dollars and cents. One of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective people is, “Begin with the End in Mind”. What do you want for yourself at the end of your life?
I believe many of you will agree with the observation that, in the last 40 years or so, our desire to have economic improvement for Anguilla has caused us to neglect character development, and that this neglect has weakened our toughness, resilience and sensitivity to fairness and justice as a people. The time has now come when much greater attention must be given to character development in our homes, schools, churches, businesses, clubs, associations, Boards, government departments, etc. etc. Let us get on fast track here, and so recover the lost ground and make up for past time.
An increasing number of writers and leaders in corporate America, and around the world, are realizing and promoting the idea that there is a very strong connection between the principles, values and attitudes which people internalize and their outward behaviour, sense of well-being and success. It has been put this way by one writer:
“The right motions outwardly with wrong motives inwardly will not bring lasting progress. Right outward talking with wrong inward thinking will not bring lasting success. Expressions of care on the outside with a heart of hatred or contempt (or selfishness and greed) on the inside will not bring lasting peace. Continual growth and lasting success are the result of aligning the inside and the outside of our lives. And getting the inside right must come first.”
Another writer, Doug Firebaugh, writes:
“Winning in life is more than just making money…It’s about winning on the inside…and knowing that you have played the game of life with all you had. If you want to be successful, you must prioritize building your inside ahead of your outside.”
A teenage millionaire in America coined the term “Reallionaire” to describe “someone who understands that success is not just about being rich in pocket; you have to be rich on the inside too.”
These insights are very important for, by embracing them, they will save us from further degradation as we pursue material wealth while neglecting spiritual and moral growth. Please understand that the importance of material success is not being denied or downplayed. The point that is being made is this: material success/wealth is not the only thing that matters. Jesus pointed this out long ago when he asked, “What does it profit anyone if you gain the whole world but lose your soul”? The same point is made when he was in the wilderness and the devil tempted him by offering to give him all the material things he could ever have. Jesus rebuked him, “Go away from me Satan”. Then he told him that there is something more valuable than political power and material wealth. That is, your personal relationship with the almighty God – Honour Him, Worship Him and Serve Him. This is a powerful lesson we will do well to learn. It is a lesson about finding and living the balanced life. A sense of fulfillment and success lies in that balance.
When these writers and leaders talk about the “Inside” and “Outside”, they are really pointing to the connection between a person’s character and that person’s actions and behaviour. Your character determines your behaviour. This is sometimes expressed this way: “Show me what you do, and I will tell you who you are.” Or “Actions speak louder than words.” However it is expressed, what is being said is, “your character matters.” There is a very close and very strong connection between your character and your conduct – your heart and your hands. A clean heart makes clean hands, and a dirty heart makes dirty hands.
Intentional and positive character development has been a neglected and forgotten responsibility in Anguilla for too long. However, given the nature of character, its formation will take place, planned or unplanned, and our experience is that when we fail to develop positive character traits in ourselves, and in our children, the price we pay is very heavy. This is a call for us to take character development seriously as we go forward. Author, Jim Rhon writes:
“Character is a quality that embodies many important traits such as integrity, courage, perseverance, confidence and wisdom. Unlike your fingerprints that you were born with and cannot change, character is something that you create within yourself and must take responsibility for changing.” And John Maxwell commented, “when we fail to make the right character choices within us, we give away ownership of ourselves…to whatever gains control over us. And that puts us in a bad place.” When that happens to you, you will never reach your potential.
Question: Are you in control of yourself? If your answer is “No”, then who or what is controlling your life?
If you decide to take reaching your potential seriously, you must begin with developing your character, that is – your inside. Here are five affirmations you must make daily and, in so doing, you will be empowered, and will grow, and develop your character.
1. My character is important, therefore today I will focus on being better on the inside than I was yesterday.
2. People are important, therefore today I will follow the Golden Rule and do to other what I would like them to do to me.
3. Passion is important, therefore today I will teach and practice only what I truly believe is right.
4. Faithfulness is important, therefore today I will endeavour to keep the promises I make and avoid excuses.
5. Principles are important, therefore today I will value humility and honesty above all other virtues.
Reaching your potential by taking one step at a time and help build your nation: Anguilla.