The Cool Riders Club, a familiar sight on the roads of Anguilla, is not just a pleasure-seeking grouping, but one which is exploring ways and means of promoting community awareness about a number of social issues.
The club comprises members involved in varied businesses and professions as well as others who may simply describe themselves as riding enthusiasts. They appear on the roads in a style, and conformity, characteristic of other motorcycle riders in various parts of the world and, like their peers, they wear special jackets. They travel on very costly motorbikes and, of much interest, among them are a number of womenfolk.
“We have fourteen registered members right now, and the club is open to anyone who wants to join, but we also have some rules and restrictions,” said Mr Evan Gumbs, President of the club. “We are not a group out for speed. We just take our time and do community riding on the first and second Sunday of each month. It is like a unity club more or less, you can say.
“We are taking some photographs because not many people know about the club, and they think it is a motorcycle club just for jolly-riding. But we are also beginning to take part in various community activities. For example, for Cancer Awareness Week we will do an awareness ride; and participate in other community activities.
“The Cool Riders Club was started quite a few years ago by Mr Lance Hawley. It died out to an extent, but we decided to revive and bring it back,” Mr Gumbs continued. “We are not a select group, but a mixed one – and it is good that we have quite a few ladies in our club. We have four at present and are open to others. Most of the bikes are Harley-Davidsons, and these are high-class and very expensive, but, if you have an ordinary motorbike or a scooter, you can just come along.
“The club is made up of quite a few people from a broad spectrum. We have doctors and lawyers like Dr Louis Bardfield (an Eye Specialist) and Mr Keithley Lake (a Lawyer). I am the President; the Vice President is Mr Carl Thomas (an Aircraft Pilot); the Secretary is Mr Lake; and the Treasurer is Mrs Carmen Lloyd. So we are not just a nonsense club out there racing and doing crazy stuff. Most of the club members wear jackets as our peers across the world. It is a little expensive, but it is something that we like; so in spite of the money you have to enjoy life and motorcycling is cool. I like anything on two wheels. I like bicycling, but I am more attracted to motorcycling.”
Mr Keithley Lake commented: “After many years of informality, we have now officially formed a club and we are about doing charity, community support-events as well as fun among our members. We ride Harley-Davidsons, Zuzuki Bykes, Sport Bykes and Hondas.”
Dr Bardfield said: “This is my scooter. I grew up on these Vespa Scooters so it brings back a lot of memories to get out there in the cool breeze and forget all your problems. It is called the Piaggio and was made in Italy. It has two wheels at the front so it is much easier to ride.”
The motorcycle-riders usually assemble at the Tyre Shop at George Hill from where they make their fortnightly community rounds.