It is indeed a pleasure for me to address you on this Labour Day 2014. Over the past weeks much thought has been given to what should be the crux of this address. There are numerous issues that can be looked at and those were explored. However, real inspiration came when I sat in a service over the weekend. The Sermon, “How is your Heart?”, caused me to reflect. While I’m certain the speaker approached it from a purely spiritual angle, I couldn’t help but also look at it from a Labour standpoint as well, especially since we are celebrating Labour this week.
Of course, there is a need for sound Laws, policies, guidelines to govern Labour. However, the issue of the heart, as it relates to employment relationships, no Law can dictate. It is believed that if we were to get the issue of the heart correct, chances are high that we can all reap great benefits. So, I pose these questions to all of us in whatever capacity we hold.
Employer, how is your heart as it relates to your employees?
Do you see your employees as a means to an end only?
Are you truly concerned about their well being?
Do you treat your employees with respect?
Are you expecting more from your employees than you are willing to give?
Are you in the business of building people?
Are your employees motivated or demoralized?
What is the real state of affairs in your business?
Zig Ziglar, a renowned motivational speaker and trainer, wrote, “You don’t build a business-you build people- and then people build the business.”
So, I ask again employer how is your heart?
Employee, how is your heart as it relates to your employer and your employment?
Do you practice a good work ethic?
Do you give a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay?
Do you feel a sense of entitlement?
Do you follow instructions?
Do you respect your employer?
Are you committed to your work?
Do you sow discord among co-workers?
What is the real state of affairs of your work ethic employee?
Unless we each examine our heart as it relates to each of these questions, and unless we answer them honestly, and unless we make that positive change, we will continue to go in circles. We will continue to think that the right people and the right laws can fix our situation, failing to realise the truth- the power to change our situation lies within us.
The workplace can become a vault of different stories that involve both the employers and employees. An employer thinks of profit while an employee thinks of wages. Though the views differ, cooperation is still the main factor that can bring about organisational success. An effective and efficient employment must have a proper employee-employer relationship. Thus, whether you’re the boss or you’re the employee, a holistic approach where we each work not only for our own interests, but in the best interest of all concerned is necessary.
Today, Labour Day, a day when we celebrate our most valuable asset, our Human resource, let us also celebrate a new beginning. A new beginning where we all examine our hearts and make the necessary changes to bring about real success; success not measured by a pay cheque or profits, but a lasting success where all concerned realize the benefits of positive employer-employee relationships.
On behalf of the Staff at the Department of Labour I wish you a Happy Labour Day.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)