I Hear The Spirit of the Lord Saying:
This is the time and season when God is ushering His worshippers and moving them into ranks for specific purposes.
Special note 1:
Songs like: “Only You Are Holy; You’re Alpha and Omega; Worthy is the Lamb and There is none like you”, etc, etc, can no longer be sung until we have stopped for a moment to really search our hearts and to remove anything and any “gods” that are in our thought processes, our spirits, minds, bodies and souls. We must begin to focus on the words of worship songs and focus on the one to whom we sing them, if we are to really worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
It is time we bring our spirit-man in alignment with holy and righteous living before Almighty God. It is a time to declare; a time to decree; and it is a time to advance in new dimensions in God.
When our spirits are aligned with the Almighty, then strong-holds and chains will be broken, instant healings will take place, and deliverance will happen when least expected. Signs and wonders will beam forth; miracles and supernatural manifestations will be the vehicle of God’s awesome and wonderful outpouring of His Holy spirit upon the earth.
When we begin to clear our inner being and truly give God true worship then, and only then, will these dimensions begin to open up. The environment will change; conditions in the atmosphere will be corrected. Our communities, schools and homes will be transformed and the Church, yes the Church, will move into its rightful position for the return of Jesus, the Bridegroom.
I hear the Spirit saying: There is going to be a domino effect when we, the “sought out” worshippers, move from the Outer Court into the Holy Place, and the worshippers in the Holy Place move to the Holy of Holies. It is in these dimensions that we will experience the move of God demonstrating His power from glory to glory. The glory of God will then be witnessed in “real time” as a continuous process, similar to the movement of a stream or a river. Although some streams do dry up, this stream of God’s glory will never run dry. That river will be manifested within us. It will keep springing up into everlasting joy, even in the midst of chaos, as we allow our spirit-man to come into alignment with God’s word.
True worshippers everywhere are being invaded by this new wave of God’s glory. The Outer Court worshippers are making room for new converted worshippers whom God’s Spirit is moving upon. He did say, “in the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh”. Again, this continuous supernatural move of God will cause Outer Court worshippers to move into the Holy Place and the Holy Place Worshippers move into the Holy of Holies.
This movement is transcending from Glory to Glory: Thus says the Lord, as we are being perfected for His coming. I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying: There is going to be a supernatural shuffling that will affect the lives of God’s people like never before.
We are all aware of the terminology “shift”. The placement and cycle of the shifting process has been completed. For the past years, the church and the world at large have undergone shifts of various types. We’ve had the paradigm shift, demographical shift, economical shift, global shift, Clarion shift, this shift and that shift.
Shift is the moving from one area to another, or a separation of something or an organism. But “shuffling” is a process of a continuous marching movement, advancing to a final designated position of stability and perfection in God.
In these times, and in this season, there is going to be the shuffling of the saints, moving into their rightful designated ranks and positions in God. There will be a continuous movement towards specific goals, and a process of positioning, until the intended Kingdom agenda is realized and all of God’s people begin to hear, see and speak the same thing in the spirit of oneness and unity.
Special note 2:
Gone are the days when we come into the House of God and into His presence with dirty minds, dirty and deceptive hearts, dirty mouths, dirty hands and feet.
In this season, God is causing His worshippers to advance into true worship before Him. True worshippers are being born and are spiritually wired to carry the anointing and the glory of God, and to bring changes in every aspect of our lives. I call it Radiation Vaporize Glory. It means that God will cause changes in the lives and bodies of believers to become adaptable, and to ward off certain climate changes and diseases that will not affect our beings, physically, emotionally or otherwise. This Vaporize Glory will be supernaturally transferrable throughout the four corners of the earth. Whatever spheres of glory takes place in one part of the world will eventually affect other closely related areas simultaneously. Everything will be affected for good in the lives of God’s people. However, evil will be predominant and will escalate for a time. In the end, though, God in His great mercy has promised His people that He will trump evil with good, and cause hope to be the anchor of our souls, as we major on adorning Him with our worship. Thus, He, God will bask in His Glory, which He created for His own good pleasure.
Editors note:
The views expressed in the above article are those of the writer only and not of The Anguillian newspaper.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)