The Reigning Road March Champions Exodus HD took the opportunity on Wednesday 9th April to give back to the students, staff and coaches of the Valley Primary School by awarding them a 2 hour concert. A week earlier Valley Primary School was solidified as the leading primary school in Athletics as they captured the Primary School Sports Day championship for the 4th consecutive year. As a reward for this achievement, Exodus HD committed themselves to performing for the well deserving staff, students and coaches at the school.
The event was hailed as a success and students thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Exodus HD is a popular local soca band that has been in existence for over a decade and has amassed a strong following. Best known for their strong lyrical content, excellent vocal ability and impressive musical arrangements the band is currently the reigning Road March Champions.

Vocalist Shendell “Shunki” Carty said “the band is always finding creative ways to give back to their community while promoting unity, positive accomplishments and community spirit.” He also noted, “Exodus HD is more than just a carnival band we are committed to making positive artistic contributions to Anguilla all year round”.
Exodus HD wishes to once again congratulate Valley Primary School on their recent sports day success.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)