Pastor Dwayne Adams
Thirty-nine year-old Educator, Mr Dwayne L Adams, has been ordained as a Pastor of the Central Baptist Church at Rey Hill. His ordination, on Sunday afternoon, March 23, was witnessed by a large congregation comprising invited guests including Government and other parliamentary officials, visiting Pastors from outside Anguilla, Pastors from other Churches on the island and education colleagues, all of whom joined the membership and leadership of the Central Baptist Church for the special occasion.
Adams was confirmed to his pastoral appointment by a specially-selected Ordination Council. He will serve as an Assistant Pastor and understudy to the incumbent and Senior Minister, Dr Cecil Richardson, who will retire shortly. Following his ordination, Pastor Adams told The Anguillian that he admired the wisdom and humility of Pastor Richardson who, unlike other Senior Ministers, sought to find an Assistant Pastor from among his congregation without feeling threatened.
Pastor Adams has been a teacher at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School for eighteen years. He was later appointed Director of the Department of Youth and Culture, a position he held for two-and-a-half years while still lending teaching support to the school.

He holds an Associate Degree in Architectural Technology from the College of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST), in Jamaica, now the University of Technology (UTECH). He is also the holder of a Teaching Certificate from the University of the West Indies. He will continue teaching Design Technology at the Comprehensive School while carrying out his pastoral duties. He hopes to enrol in an online theology programme in due course.
Pastor Adams, who is also a writer and a poet, was presented for ordination by Pastor Norril Gumbs of the First Baptist Church at Welches. This was later followed by the “Laying on of Hands” by members of the Ordination Council; and the presentation of a Bible, Certificate and Licence to Preach by Pastor Cecil Richardson.

The Charge to the Church, calling for spiritual and physical support for Pastor Adams, was delivered by Pastor David Archibald visiting from Antigua. The Charge to Pastor Adams, entailing how he should govern himself in the ministry, was given by Pastor Roderick Webster, an Anguillian serving at the Good News Baptist Church in St Maarten.
Responding, Pastor Adams was grateful to his wife Mrs Sherwin Adams and their children; his parents, Mr and Mrs Calvin and Patricia Adams; his siblings; and the membership and leadership of the Central Baptist Church, for their support.
He also expressed gratitude to a number of Pastors who assisted him in the development of his spiritual life, as well as to his fellow teachers with whom he has had a long and enjoyable association. Throughout his response, he stressed his awareness of, and commitment to, his new pastoral role for which he has prepared himself.
Pastor Adams was congratulated on his ordination by many persons at the end of the service. It was a well-ordered event and one that he will long cherish.