Women throughout Anguilla have been urged to exercise caring love for each other, and to become “streams in the desert” for their fellowmen thirsting for that love and care.
The admonition came from Anguillian Methodist Minister-in-training, Rev Candis Niles. She was at the time delivering the homily at the women’s service at St Mary’s Anglican Church on Friday, March 7, the eve of World Day of Prayer 2014.
The event was based on the international order of service written by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Egypt where ninety-five percent of the population cluster in the small area of fertile land along the River Nile. The Nile is the second longest river in the world, flowing through the Sahara, the largest desert in the world. The World Day of Prayer appropriately had as its theme “Streams in the Desert” and was designed as a way in which women, through their efforts, can be channels of assistance to all.
Rev Niles’ based her homily on that theme. “My challenge to you this evening is to not only accept the promise of restoration that comes from Christ as the source of our Stream in the Desert, but also to seek to become the Streams in the Desert for someone else,” she told her listeners.
“As Christians, we are called to not only love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and strength, but also to love our neighbour as ourselves. And so the question I leave with you is: what can you do to become that stream in the desert of your marriage, your family life, your work place, your community, your church? How can you re-energize your relationships with the nurturing and sustaining presence and power of the Holy Spirit? What difference can you make in the life of one individual who is going through the desert season of their life?
“It is my prayer that even as we are nourished by the Supreme Source of the Streams in the Deseret, that we may indeed find the grace within to become a Stream in the Desert for our fellowmen and women.”
The main moderator of the service was Mrs Ruth Niles, wife of Methodist Supernumerary Minister, Rev H Clifton Niles. She was assisted by other leading women in the church and community.