The Anguilla Craft Group held a raffle of a quilt at the recent Flower Show, and Don Verbeke from Austin Texas, who was visiting friends at Little Harbour, emerged the winner after purchasing one ticket.
The Craft Group has reported raising US$700 from the raffle and US$1500 from the sale of crafts at the Flower Show. It also operates a stall at the Soroptimist Christmas Fair where items made by members are sold. All money raised is donated to various groups and organisations on the island.
Last December, the Group donated US$1000 to the Anguilla Red Cross towards the purchase of a bus with a lift for wheel chairs. In February this year it donated US$700 to the Hilltop Baptist Church in Island Harbour to refurbish the seats in the church bus; and US$2,400 has just been donated to the Anguilla Food Bank. Last year the Group purchased an incubator for the Princess Alexandra Hospital maternity ward. Other organisations that have benefitted include the Arijah Foundation, WISE, the Public Library, and schools. Altogether since 1989 the Group has donated more than US$45,000 which was all raised from craft sales.
The Group meets regularly each Wednesday and members make baskets, napkin holders, Christmas decorations, knitted dolls, key rings, place mats, coasters, jewellery and more. Two years ago it compiled a cook book with favourite recipes from members and friends. To date 850 books have been sold.(A new shipment has just arrived.) All proceeds from the cook books are also donated to charitable organisations.