Ladies and gentlemen, greetings. Today is my birthday. 88 diamond years. A modest age isn’t it?
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Almighty God for having spared my sinful life and for my natural state of health, vitality and strength. I thank you for your divine presence in me.
Help me to maintain the courage and will to embrace all that life offers in whatever form it may take. Give me courage, wisdom and understanding and an abiding love in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am happy to spend my 88th anniversary with you, despite my health conditions.
Within the next few days and weeks, we will launch out on the 47th year of our Anguilla Revolution, the Republic of Anguilla.
Since 1969, during our uphill climb, our hopes for independence got frustrated but they were never abandoned.
The suffering of our people has become a flame to ignite the fire of freedom in our bones. We have placed our case before the United Nations as in a little while ago, we have fanned the flames of freedom, a moment for us to cherish, not fear, a moment for us to rejoice, not to mourn, a moment for hope and not despair.
We bear no ill will for the past. Our efforts now will be turned to building a free country –free from oppression, free from hunger and I know that these efforts will not be without obstacles. But we owe it to those who planted the seeds of freedom, to preserve the fruits of independence for our people, born and and unborn.
My people, we are a multiracial society. Our forefathers were Africans, Welsh and Scots. Those distinctions no longer apply. Our society is based upon the principles of Government of the people, for the people and with the people. We will always demonstrate to our national integrity to the public as we go along day by day.
I would wish to say a few words to the youth of our Nation. You are the future of our Republic Anguilla, and if that future is to be prosperous, and meaningful, much will depend on you.
I am asking you to cherish it and to cherish it not only with words but with action. The future calls for discipline and for dedication. There is no ideal more noble, no task more rewarding than to work for your own country’s independence and development.
I am asking us from this day onward to go forth and be productive. Let us make this land of Glory a land where we can say with pride; we are Anguillians and not belongers. Long Live the Republic of Anguilla.
I would also like thank our people for the support I have received over the years and I do trust that as the years go by that with your assistance, that we will be able to make Anguilla the place where we would always long to live and to live for.
I would take this couple of minutes to say that I am so thankful to you again for the support you have given me over the years and I do trust that whatever is done in the future we all will be part and parcel of same.
I thank you very much. God Bless You All.