The Principal, staff, parents and pupils of the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School received yet another generous donation to the tune of over EC$20,000.00. Honourable Othlyn Vanterpool responded to some much needed renovations to the ICT Lab. Additionally, the building housed a mini library for senior pupils that was also a project undertaken by Mr. Vanterpool. Additionally, three desktops were generously donated.
The Minister responsible for Education, Honourable Jerome Roberts, speaking at the handing over and blessing ceremony applauded the effort of Mr. Vanterpool. He also encouraged the pupils to take good care of the ICT Lab and make excellent use of the computers which are provided to enhance teaching and learning.
Chief Education Officer, Mrs. Rhonda Connor, in her brief remarks thanked Mr. Vanterpool for supporting the Education Department through his kind giving to the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School. She further lauded the entire Island Harbour Community for the partnerships formed with the school- and noted the positive impact these are making on the school.
Honourable Othlyn Vanterpool expressed his profound pleasure in working hand in hand with the school. He further stated he was honoured to be in a position to support the advancement of technology at the school with the refurbishing of both the ICT Lab and Senior library. The donation of the additional three desktops to complete the Lab’s quota was a privilege. He further stated that it is his aim to ensure that “no child is left behind”.
The ICT Lab and Senior Library were blessed by Pastor Evan Brooks, Friend of the School. The vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Shanette Smith, ICT Teacher at the school. Mrs. Tracelyn Hamilton, Principal at the school chaired the brief ceremony. Mrs. Hamilton thanked all the community partners who continue to generously support the school’s projects – enhancing it as a ‘Child Friendly School’ – where the child’s interest is at the centre of ALL decisions.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)