With the table set and the anticipation high, Davidas Restaurant and Spa provided the perfect setting to what turned out to be a wonderful dinner with a dash of Church. RM Refresh Ministries in collaboration with The Ranger Foundation to stage an event in honor of the Zenaida Haven Residents. Zenaida Haven Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre houses a maximum of ten (10) children and aims to provide these children aged 12 – 17 a year round residential therapeutic program, within a safe and caring environment. The hope is to bring about a positive change and reintegrate these juveniles into society.
In attendance was the Permanent Secretary -Dr. Bonnie Richardson -Lake, Chief Probation Officer – Ms. Jocelyn Johnson, Ms. Dorn Henry, Senior Care Worker/ Acting Supervisor at Zenaida Haven, who helped coordinate the event, along with other members of staff. Each of the ten (10) young residents was asked to invite their parent or guardian and so were seated together.

Though the program was brief it was impactful. Keynote speaker Pastor Dexter Welcome, of Dominion Faith Centre, encouraged each young man to open their minds. Like a parachute, an unopened mind leads to a free fall to destruction. He challenged them to dare to dream and to reach their God given potential by feeding their minds with the positive influences around them. He believes the most important part of the body to be the mind for as the Bible reads “…as a man thinketh so is he…” Proverbs 23:7.
After the meal, Jerome ‘Ranger’ Vanterpool took the stage. He spoke frankly about facing peer pressure and doing away with the ‘bad boy’ image that didn’t suit the handsome, well mannered young men seated amongst us. He then sang a few choruses that seemed to charge the atmosphere and a few teary eyed parents connected with the chords of hope and faith. We were all blessed. This led to an impromptu rendition by Pastor Grant of Bethel Gospel Hall who is also a senior Juvenile Care Worker at the Centre. It was immediately evident that he had a sweet sounding voice, to the surprise of the residents and his fellow colleagues, but more importantly that he had a love for the young men and seized the opportunity to remind them.
Each resident was given a gift bag with toiletries and other necessities. This was facilitated by Ruthlyn Harrigan of Ruthlyn’s Place with another important message to each young man, which is in fact the main theme of her ministry. God has created each person with unique talents and a specific role to play and so they were encouraged to find their place in this world. One of the residents opened proceedings with Prayer and another closed with the Vote of Thanks. It was more than apparent by the end of the evening, that the young men were very appreciative of the gesture and that they had enjoyed the experience. The event was chaired by Zenya Greenaway founder of RM Refresh Ministries.
We take this opportunity to once again thank Arian Freight and Brokerage, Aronel Ltd, Haskins Ltd, Triple K Car Rental, Ken’s BBQ, Ruthlyn’s Place and Signatures Personalized Gift Baskets for their generous contribution.
After winning the Calypso crown in 2013, Jerome Vanterpool has begun his mission of giving back to the community and has started The Ranger Foundation. He also has a number of projects on the horizon including providing much needed equipment to the Princess Alexander Hospital.
RM Refresh Ministries, will have its official launch on Saturday 22nd February, under the theme ‘Walk the Talk’. It is to be an outreach ministry with the aim of uniting businesses, organizations, churches, and like minded ministries with a focus of taking the Gospel to the streets. We will meet the hurting, the needy and the vulnerable where they are.
– Contributed
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)