The Department of sports in Anguilla is extremely grateful to Mr. & Mrs. Barnard of Montana U.S.A for a donation of basketballs, which was arranged through the Principal of the Alwyn Allison Richardson Primary School Mrs. Ornette Gumbs, to whom they are also very grateful. This gift came in very timely, as we have just started the Inter-house competition of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School which will be followed shortly by the Inter-Primary Schools’ competition, as well as the under 15 and under 19 competitions presently taking place at the North Hill Basketball court with approximately eight teams participating.
The Department welcomes this kind gesture by the visiting couple and other visitors who contribute to the island in this manner. This helps tremendously in supporting our programmes in the primary schools, the secondary school, as well as the adult population.
We support and encourage sports such as athletics, basketball, boatrace, cricket, cycling, football, tennis, tabletennis, netball and volleyball and more. Therefore any form of assistance in these areas will be greatly appreciated as this enables a wide cross section of the general public to benefit and we encourage individuals to make effective and efficient use of their leisure time.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)