Ms Palmavon Webster is the first person to have publicly launched her candidacy in the 2015 general election. The launch took place at the Clarence Rogers Playing Field at Island Harbour on Saturday, February 15, at a public meeting and an evening of entertainment.
Ms Webster is again the candidate in District One, Island Harbour, where she unsuccessfully contested the electoral seat in the 2010 general election. Her speech was preceded by a number of short addresses by several persons who endorsed her.
“I want to be your voice, and truly your representative so that together we can make District One great again,” she told her listeners. “We, as a community, must come together and take action ourselves, and there is no limit to what we can accomplish with the backing of an elected official who can and will get things done.”
Ms Webster spoke at length about her desire not only to bring about improvement and development to District One, but Anguilla in general. “I want to act as a statesman, not a politician,” she declared. “You’re asking what’s the difference – well, a politician only looks at what he can achieve during his term and worries about the next election. A statesman looks to the future and plans for generations to come [and] a sustainable and prosperous future.”
The full text of Ms Webster’s speech and excerpts from the short addresses by those who endorsed her, are published elsewhere in this edition of The Anguillian.