My Anguilla Experience (MyAnguillaExperience.com) is a blog/website about life in Anguilla. The idea behind the blog/website is to share information about Anguilla and to encourage locals and visitors to go out and explore all that Anguilla has to offer. The appeal and unique selling point of the website is that it is fully managed by locals (Shellecia Brooks-Johnson, Nashaine Johnson and Sherise Brooks) who know and love Anguilla, its people and Anguilla living.
Our blog offers a glimpse into local life, day to day activities and our experiences at events and attractions in Anguilla. A regular feature on the website is in depth interviews with local entrepreneurs and small business owners.
During our first year, we have written close to seventy (70) blog posts and produced eight (8) YouTube videos sharing our experiences in Anguilla. Some of the most popular posts highlighted favourite beaches, outdoor excursions such as kayaking and hiking, dining in Anguilla, young entrepreneurs and Anguillians love affair with roast corn.
To celebrate our one year anniversary, My Anguilla Experience held a Facebook raffle in the week leading up to the big day. The winners were Gregory A Permuy and Janine Benjamin Webster. As their prize, both winners were afforded the opportunity to select a small business or entrepreneur to be featured on MyAnguillaExperience.com.
As we move forward into Year Two, we will continue to produce original content and share more videos and posts. We aim to improve our reach and influence by continuing to build and expand the ‘My Anguilla Experience’ brand and share authentic experiences about Anguilla with the world.
The feedback and support for the blog from locals, visitors and the business community has been phenomenal. We take this opportunity to say thank you to God, family, friends, locals, visitors, potential visitors and those in the business community who have supported us throughout this year by reading, commenting and sharing our posts, pictures and videos. A special thanks to our first sponsors Blue Sea Anguilla and Sunset Homes. We greatly appreciate your support!
We encourage visitors and locals alike to visit our website at MyAnguillaExperience.com. Follow us on Twitter (@ShelleciaB) and like us on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (My Anguilla Experience).
If you would like to learn more about My Anguilla Experience or collaborate with us in any way, please contact Shellecia Brooks-Johnson at 584-0844, or Sherise Brooks at 582-6916 or email us at info@myanguillaexperience.com.
Don’t forget – My Anguilla Experience can be your Anguilla experience!