Thursday, February 20th, saw the handing over of nine (9) sets of twelve (12) Djembe drums to Education Officer responsible for Primary Schools, Mrs. Susan Smith. The drums were handed over by Teacher Judy Guthrie, Music Facilitator who said she was thrilled to be making the presentation –a dream final y come true- and hoped that the drums would be used to the benefit of the students.
The drums will be used in all the primary schools and the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School to implement “Drumbeat”, an award-winning therapeutic drumming program developed in Australia ten years ago. This past November, participants including School Guidance Counsellors, Education Welfare Officers, Substance Misuse Counsellor, Educational Psychologist, personnel from Probation and H. M. Prison, as well as other education personnel attended a three day Drumbeat Facilitator Training Program conducted by Mr. Simon Faulkner, the creator of the program.
The aim of Drumbeat is to create a bond between persons who are at risk of social isolation from their community by increasing their social skills and feelings of self-worth. Hand drumming is used in ten one-hour sessions, to promote a guided dialogue. The program combines the benefits of the group drumming process with behavioural therapy so that young people can transfer the lessons from the drum circle to their everyday lives. Analogies are used to create awareness of the links between social skills developed as part of the music group and those required to form healthy and supportive relationships with others. In the program young people also look at social issues such as peer pressure, bullying, dealing with emotions, tolerating diversity, identity, and social responsibility.
The training and the purchase of the drums was made possible through the generous monetary donations from the Anguilla Community Foundation, and private Canadian donors Susan and Mac Van Wielingen, Susan Hess, and Ruth Craig. The Department is convinced that the program will have a significant impact on the target groups.
The Education Department is very grateful to Teacher Judy Guthrie, who spearheaded the fundraising effort and secured the services of Mr. Simon Faulkner and made it all possible for this valuable program to be brought to our island’s youth.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)