Kreative Communications Network, a television service in Anguilla which has Mr Carlton Pickering Sr as its Chief Executive Officer, held its 17th Annual Awards Presentation & Cocktail at La Vue on Saturday, February 8.
The following awards, in six categories, were presented by Mrs Crystal Pickering – Viewer Awards: Sharlene Gumbs, Celina (Princess) Fleming and John Riley; Recognition Award: the Environmental Health Unit; Corporate Award: Digicel Anguilla; Everet Simon Community Award: Keith Stone Greaves; Advertising Award: Caribbean Insurance Brokers; and Special Staff Awards: Mervin Saunders, Cardigan Connor; Colwayne Pickering; Rosanna Browne-Harrigan; and Carl Thomas.
The event also included remarks by the CEO, Mr Pickering, Mr Colwayne Pickering; KCN’s Host/Producer; and Mr Keith Stone Greaves, Programme Manager at Radio Anguilla, who delivered the feature address. One of the main segments of his address focussed on the need to form a media association in Anguilla.