I cannot help but put pen to paper to commend the Deputy Principal, Mrs. Melsadis Fleming, and her staff at Campus B of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School, for what I was fortunate to witness as an outpouring of love and togetherness on Friday 14th February 2014 –Valentine’s Day. I am sure that this will catch them by surprise!
I happened to visit the school for a brief meeting with a teacher, just before lunch, and was quickly distracted by the spirited movement of Mrs. Fleming and several of her teachers who bustled up and down the stairs leading to the staffroom – goodies in hand – laughter on their faces – and a pep in their step that seemed to say that it was a long awaited day. I could not help but take in the lovely smell of ham and other competing flavours that made their escape through neatly foiled containers of varying shapes and sizes. And I could not escape the attractively clad teachers, who, for one reason or another, celebrated diversity through the colour of love. What especially fancied me was that they sang the same song in tones of red, white or black or a combination of all.
Although my sixth sense told me that it was a celebration of some sort, I had to get it right by asking questions. I was not far from the answer. It was a Valentine’s Day Lunch! For the teachers! I also learned that it was in its third or fourth year! I decided to linger a while. For the purpose of “catching news” as we would say in Anguilla. I was very pleased to see officers from the Ministry of Education (the Chief Education Officer included) joining the teachers to celebrate with them at the luncheon. And they too were similarly dressed! Awesome!
I must not be mistaken to believe that everyday at Campus B is like Valentine’s Day. For I believe, that like any workplace, the teachers there (and at other schools on the island) are faced with their share of daily challenges. However, an event like this boost morale; engender love; thereby strengthening relationships. By the same token, I will take the risk to say that any leader, who is able to show appreciation to his or her staff through such a very special and therapeutic event, must be commended. Unfortunately, we are quick to spew out negatives but slow at celebrating the positives. This is one positive that I, as a member of the public, wish to draw attention to. But being mindful that there are others who celebrate their staff in similar ways, I will take this opportunity to commend them: the management at Cap Juluca, Viceroy, and others whom I may not have noticed in the past.
Congratulations once again to Mrs Fleming and her team for a job well done!