Mr. Evans Rogers
A number of issues that can affect the Anguilla United Front in the 2015 general election, and ways of dealing with them, were ratified at the party’s Convention, its highest decision-making body, on Sunday, February 16, at the Soroptimist Conference Centre.
The event was a continuation of the Convention, the first session of which was held on January 19. According to a press release, among the matters approved were the AUF candidates who will be contesting the next general election and the reaffirming of confidence in Mr Victor Banks as the Political Leader of the party.
The leadership and other important matters were agreed on at a special meeting of the 25-member Executive Committee and were referred to the Convention for its decision and final approval. The Convention reported that at its meeting, the Executive Committee “signalled its confidence in Mr Banks as Political Leader and recommends that the Party:
• Reaffirms confidence in Mr Banks, as Political Leader;
• Reaffirms its confidence in the political leadership team;
• Undertakes a communication strategy emphasizing that Mr Banks’ qualities, knowledge, skills, experience and overall grasp of the issues makes him best able to lead Anguilla at this time;
• Employs communication strategies that positively present each AUF candidate as a member of the best team to revive Anguilla.”
Other matters which the Executive Committee dealt with, and which the Convention approved, included, as indicated above, the selection of candidates and seats to contest. The relevant section of the Convention report read as follows:
“The main focus of this issue was whether the AUF should contest District 5, Road North seat. The strategy Committee’s findings and recommendations were thoroughly, openly and frankly discussed. The meeting also noted that in addressing the matter, it was necessary to be guided by the provisions in the AUF’s constitution.
“The Executive Committee recommends that the Party:
• Contests all seven (7) seats, fielding a full slate of candidates
• Be ready to vigorously confront any negative reactions that may made to the decision to contest the District 5 seat.
• Energetically supports candidates and their constituency cells in
• in responding to negativity from their opponents in the wake of
• the decision to contest all seats.
• Organizes a meeting/rally as quickly as possible to publicly Introduce the AUF slate of candidates for the next elections.
• Throws the full weight of its support to all candidates in an effort to win as many seats as possible.”
The concluding remarks of the AUF Executive Committee, according to the Convention report, were as follows:
“The meeting was a great example of internal party democracy at work. The Party must continue to develop and strengthen its organization structures, system and procedures. This will enable the AUF to go from strength to strength and continue as a sound and effective political organization that will champion and lead the economic, social, political and cultural advancement of the people of Anguilla for many decades to come.”
During the Convention, the candiddates for the 2015 general election were announced as follows: District 1: Othlyn Vanterpool ; District 2: Cora Richardson-Hodge; District 3: Evans McNiel Rogers; District 4: Victor Banks; District 5: Delsic Rey; District 6: Curtis Richardson; and District 7: Cardigan Connor. All of the candidates (except Mrs Richardson-Hodge who was off island at the time) delivered brief addresses expressing thanks to the party for its confidence in them and pledging, if elected, to faithfully perform their responsibilities.