What better time than now, the beginning of a new year, for each of us to pause and ask ourselves the question – Where are we heading to? – be it as an individual, a group, a family, a government, a society, an organisation, a church, or an institution, because we are never standing still.
This question provides us the opportunity to reflect or refocus in order for us to make sure that we are heading on the right track that will lead us to our desired destination. In order to move forward successfully, one has to know what he/she wants to achieve before he/she can map out a plan as to how to achieve it. You see, most people don’t succeed because they don’t really know what they want and they have never focused their lives on anything specific.
Hence, it is wise to begin by picturing all of the possibilities. Then ask yourself the question, “Is the picture, which comes to mind, aligned with what I hope to accomplish?” If it does, that should form the foundation for creating your vision for the future. This view of what the future holds for you, can now be crafted into a vision statement which will both inspire you and offer you direction, so that you can create a set of meaningful goals or milestones to guide your journey.
Having a vision gives you clarity, direction and defines your purpose. Clarity of vision, meaningful goals, a commitment to take goal-specific action daily, and consistent measurement of your progress, will ensure that there are far more times filled with successes than challenges. However, to navigate your way, you will need the help of the following: acceptance, accountability, aspiration, attitude, aim, action, and achievement. So let start with:-
The first action on the path to success is to stop blaming others and your circumstances. You cannot change the past, so you have to accept it and work with what you have. And what you have is infinite potential!
There is absolutely no point in blaming your circumstances or others for your lack of success. Blame serves no meaningful purpose. You cannot control others or events; you can only control your own thoughts and actions. So it is time to accept your mistakes and shortcomings and assume accountability. It is time to take responsibility for your own success. As the saying goes, every action you take, everything you do, is either a victory or defeat in the struggle to become what you want to be.
Each day, week, month or year presents us with a new opportunity. It is never too late to begin again. We have enormous power within our grasp. It is expressed by the choices we make. Edgar A. Guest said it beautifully:-
You are the person who has to decide.
Whether you will do it or toss it aside;
You are the person who makes up your mind.
Whether you’ll lead or will linger behind.
Whether you’ll try for the goal that’s afar.
Or just be contented to stay where you are.
The next step is to check your aspiration and attitude. These two go hand in hand. Aspiration, or ambition, is the desire to improve your life. Aspiration is like taking a deep breath and optimistically jumping into the adventure of life. Aspiration stokes the fire of enthusiasm. When you want to succeed, you get excited about preparing for success. Acceptance, accountability, aspiration, enthusiasm and optimism fuse to form the attitude of success.
Now that you are fired up to embark on your journey to success, you are ready to set your AIM. You are ready to focus on a goal. As you do so, life becomes worthwhile because you now have a sense of purpose. So, get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project. Always have something ahead of you to look forward to — to work for and hope for.
When choosing a goal, always pick one that will make you stretch! Place your goal out of reach, but never out of sight. It should be worthwhile and difficult so you will grow. But at the same time it must be achievable. An unrealistic goal can discourage you and hurt your progress. Baby steps, one at a time, will do it!
As you work on your plan for success, continually monitor your progress, analyze your obstacles, and adjust your plan so even if you change your route, you will remain on target. Constantly think on and visualize the end product – The result! This will keep you going until you reach the finish line – The achievement or accomplishment of your desired goal.
So as you begin the New Year, my prayer for you is, to forget what is behind and press forward. Stop looking back, and look forward instead. Do not let fear of failure, or challenges or opposition, keep you from trying again to move ahead. Trust in God’s help to see you through as you aim to achieve your goal which will lead you in the right direction of fulfilling your dreams.
Remember: Don’t expect things to happen for you when you won’t break away from the things that are hindering you.
Have a Christ-centred New-Year! May this year be the year that your goals and dreams manifest with ease and joy!
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com. Referrals can also be made directly through the Atlantic Star Center of Medical Excellence, South Hill, Anguilla. By Appointment Only: Tel 497-0765